It's sad day if you have Vader Streams
Vader servers have been siezed by the lawyers of MPAA by court order. There have been problems with snitches and people trying to tear vader down for months. Basically an admin John Doe was fired a couple months ago. In return he completely cooperated with investigators and lawyers and turned over all info he had. That led to the big time investigation and siezure of assets of the old head of vader. They froze his banks, assets, wife assets, and gave him a choice. Either cooperate and give up all your stuff or we will simply sue you and then keep all this money and assets. At that point the choice was made to wipe EVERYTHING to protect resellers, restreamers, and users alike.

So at this point Vader is indeed dead and not coming back. Resellers lost everything, users lost everything. etc. We're all in a bit of a bind because I know people paid for service and now dont have it. I URGE people to not panic or be incredulous dickheads about this. If people start filing mass chargebacks it will indeed burn us to the ground because we will lose our ability to process payments for the services we do still have. I am trying tothink of a plan and work with some other services to see what can be done. The simple truth is I can not afford to reimburse every single day of every single user as I lost my shirt today as well. I know there are going to be people who lose their mionds because they had 5 days left on their sub and lose $3 worth of TV. Please understand our losses are already in the $10,000's and we want to find a way to keep everyone somewhat happy or at least feeling like we both got screwed and moved on

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