My Friend Leigh sent me this text: "ps Gettin’ reeeeeaaal tired of female directors FINALLY being hired on for tentpoles, only to have to drop out b/c they’re not getting the respect they deserve. Only to be replaced by a dude who probably does. First Brenda Chapman on Brave, then Patty Jenkins on Thor 2, and now Michelle MacLaren on Wonder Woman." Well Leigh if anything comes of a Hilary Clinton presidency as foolish as it sounds, would be a new found respect for 51 percent of the American population which are women. You'd be surprised what that symbolism does Hollywood folk and their investment in the fabric of our culture. Now finding the talented female directors. with enough experience to direct a tenpole, it's not as hard as one may think, look at where all the greats started with two indie films or some tv shows under their belt. Most of the work in a tenpole films is done by a highly experienced well paid team of people anyway and never just a director. Rarely these days. So I say give these a women a shot, you can't loose with a massive bugget and an A-Team to protect your franchise.

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