Development Update - The Future of Sonic Riders DX

Hello all. It’s been quite a while since we’ve made an announcement, but today we’d like to discuss the future of Sonic Riders DX. We love this game and everyone who’s helped build it to what it is today, but with our plate full and a desire to focus on other exciting projects, we’re winding down development for Sonic Riders DX.

The past five years of developing what has become Sonic Riders DX has truly been a gift. The experience of being creators was unlike any other with tremendous joy that came with each release is not something that can be put into words. Working on this game, discovering every secret there is to know and understand has been the most interesting and enticing challenge for both our programmers and game designers. The work we’ve put into DX is our greatest pride. With great love, we’re releasing Sonic Riders DX Version 2.1 as our final update.

Sonic Riders DX Version 2.1 is not like other updates to the mod. This update refines the gameplay from Version 2.0 and features unreleased content, both in-game and extras that come along with the download. Since we’ve decided to wrap development for the time being, it’s only fitting we give you guys a peek at what things we were working on.

We also want to give a huge thanks to everyone who’s worked on this game and helped out with the project. Without these incredible individuals, the game wouldn’t be as amazing as it.

To AirKingNeo: With tenacity and perseverance as a developer unlike any other, you’ve had to balance between being the DX lead developer, project manager, lead programmer, and gameplay lead. Your adamant leadership and organization ensured the highest quality and timeliness of new features in the project, going as far as to personally lead the team behind making every character playable on every gear and cracking the code to make it possible. Being the first to step in whenever an issue arose, you made sure no one was left behind. As lead programmer, you created new super forms, fixed countless bugs, oversaw new additions, created new features, and wrote everything necessary for game balance. As the gameplay lead, you designed and balanced every single stage, character, super form, and gear while creating all of the unique gameplay designs for the super forms and gears found in the game. Leading the development of competitive Sonic Riders mods since the beginning, there is no one more dedicated to this game.

To Arg!! and firegodjr: Both of you were fantastic modelers for characters and super forms, being easy to work with and able to meet quick deadlines when necessary. Having reverse engineered the model format for Riders and many other games, Arg is the main reason adding new characters and super forms into DX Version 2.0 was possible. Creating our box arts and iconic teaser for Hyper Sonic, firegodjr gave DX its unique style. It has been an honor to have worked with both of you.

To PixelBolt: Your ability to act as a team mediator was second to none, helping to solve issues with everyone’s interests in mind. Providing a unique perspective with your in-game combat skills, you helped push game design into bettering interaction between players. Our website and promotion would be lifeless without your constant photo taking.

To Yacker: One of our leaders and one of the people who helped start the Sonic Riders modding scene, Yacker is an extraordinary programmer. By figuring out how to load his own custom files and make their models render in game, he's the man behind the skins feature and the reason why every board can be played on every character in DX 2.0. His ambitions are bigger than DX, helping start the development of Sonic Riders Regravitified and having his own projects. We've been blessed to work with such a talented friend.

To Xithyl_kykorl: Our team leader and lead developer for Sonic Riders Regravitified, Xithyl always keeps his cool and knows how to navigate a situation. His understanding of fundamental game design has built a strong backbone for the Regravitified Project, and his ambition as a programmer has helped push DX over hurdles when necessary.

To Aigami: As a friend of the team, we appreciate you making a trailer for Regravitified and your texture work for both DX and Regravitified. Your work is one of the best in the community. We’ve had a pleasure working with you.

To Giygas: Although not a part of our development team, you’ve been a great consultant for expanding and reaching higher with our game design to improve gears that did more than boost all the time. We wish you luck on your project, Sonic Riders EVO (formerly known as Sonic Riders X).

To Sewer56: As a close friend of the team and one of the people who helped start the Sonic Riders modding scene as a whole, we appreciate your constant support. You added online play to the PC Version of Sonic Riders all by yourself. With programming skills like yours, there isn’t a single problem you can’t solve, and you’ve helped us solve many problems. We are ever grateful to have someone like you whenever we’re in need.

To UnclePunch: While you're quite famous for modding Melee, our team is still grateful for your help with kickstarting the Riders modding scene. They might seem innate to everyone, but your quality of life improvements have saved hours of everyone's time by skipping past every single memory card check. We've always heeded your advice that Sonic Riders can only be a competitive game if it can stand with its own mechanics.

Thank you to everyone who has supported us all this time. The door remains open for us to renew work on DX in the future, but for now this journey ends and with it another begins. We hope you look forward to updates to Sonic Riders Regravitified and other projects we have in store.

Extreme Gear Labs Development Team

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