
Faruk Pita · @pitaCSGO

24th Apr 2023 from TwitLonger

Looking for new opportunities - RTs appreciated!

After being away from coaching competitive CS, Im now taking this opportunity through twitter to explore options to coach.

This last year a lot of exciting things has happened. The most exciting thing in my life happened on the 4th of July when I became a father. I knew before-hand that I wanted to be as present as possible with my daugther. When my previous team dignitas withdrew from CS last summer, I decided to take the oppurtunity to be with my little family.

During this period there has been offers, some good that I wanted, but that didn’t go through all the way - and some that just didn’t feel right at the time considering the circumstances.
The first hectic months as a father are now over, and Im now more than ready to coach a team again.

It doesn’t matter where on this planet the team or the players origins from.
The only thing I wish is to compete with a group that has the ambition to go all the way and players that want to put in that little extra.
Especially considering the transition now to CS2, I want to surrend myself with hungry players.

I’ve had the honor to coach some amazing players during my career, and I wish to keep on doing that. Nothing beats the feeling of seeing players reaching their goals or taking the necessary steps towards their respective goal. I want to keep being a part of that.

I appreciate all the support I’ve got through good and bad times. It really means the world to me, keeps me going in a way...

If you are interested or have any questions, the easiest way is to DM me here on twitter. But you can also reach me on officialpita@gmail.com

I appreciate the retweets!


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