
DZ Sharky · @Sharky3415

15th Apr 2023 from TwitLonger


Yo, just wanted to clear up the reason behind my departure from the DarkZero apex team. After Champs 2022, I have been on a downward spiral of enjoyment and passion for the game, eventually leading to the point where I basically hate playing and was overall unhappy. This started to affect my performance as of late and although we were still holding a good position in the split, my mentality is currently not in the right place to compete at a high level. Naturally I believe it is unfair to my teammates who want to win every tournament we play together and my current attitude of not caring about a low placing day is not the way I want to compete. I have no idea if/when I could potentially regain the drive to play again and rather than not putting my all into the split and LAN risking a bad result, I want the boys to perform well with someone else.

Could I potentially make a return in the next year or further away, honestly no clue, I didn't know I would return the first time but I just had that comp itch I had to scratch.

It was a pleasure playing with Zer0 and Gen, we made some memories that will never fade and I wish them the best of luck. Also a huge thank you to the Darkzer0 Esports team for all the support in moving us to NA and helping us with anything that was needed. Lastly thank you to fans and family, your support while we play is one of the best feelings in the world. Catch y'all later.

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