
voot · @vootmoot

2nd Mar 2023 from TwitLonger

response to accusations from @/ciaolyx

TLDR: I don't rat computers nor have I ever ratted anyone. I've been working for 3 years on my services and would never jeopardize the way I provide for my family. Ciaolyx is simply a manipulator, liar, and constantly belittles people and uses the excuse "im on my period" as she does so. Anyone who I have worked with, please use Malwarebytes or use an Antivirus of your choice and do a full scan before assuming you were "ratted". Reply under the thread if you have any sort of detections. (Their might be a detection for Windows Defender settings being turned off in regedit.)

hello, first and foremost, I'd like to start off by saying I do NOT and never have rat/ratted any of my customers. This was an accusation thrown by Ciao in which she says I ratted her PC during an optimization. I would like to clarify that I did not intentionally harm or compromise your PC's security. I attempted to use a new program to address the mic volume issue you were experiencing. I believed it to be a safe solution, as it has been used by many others without issue. However, it turned out to be harmful, and for that, I sincerely apologize. I do NOT have any of your information nor do I care to have any of your information. I have worked with over hundreds of content creators and normal players/customers (with hundreds of vouches) and not once have they had issues with their security or accounts. The login location might be the same as my state, but I can only promise you that I am not the person that logged into your Discord account. I do not know where to get "rat" programs work nor do I even trust any website or person to give me a tool to control a "rat". I take my work seriously as it is my livelihood, and I have been doing it for three years without any previous incidents. I would never put what I consider a part of my career in jeopardy just to be petty and do something this scummy. I have over hundreds of vouches I use over 90% of the money I get to support my family's bills in which I have stated to multiple people hundreds of times, including Ciao. I would never jeopardize something I do for good and most importantly, need.

I appreciate that you made the tweet while acknowledging that you did not want people attacking my character, but you have went out of your way to include personal, private, conversations between us all the while leaving out the most important part of it, your manipulation and lies. And yes, people did belittle me and even go as far as trying to access my accounts across multiple social medias and systems. (https://imgur.com/a/dtdbPnB)

Ciao manipulated and belittled me on a call on February 28th-March 1st, despite my respectful behavior towards her. She accused me of trying to be her boyfriend when I offered comfort and later yelled at me in a call to stop, that she doesn't need my help. At this time, she was flaming her friend for asking a question about how to schedule an optimization with me. I won't state this person's name out of respect. She would go as far as even being annoyed and mad at me for simply restarting my PC(?) (https://imgur.com/a/6c54BeQ) (https://youtu.be/rVidzV4Lqlk) < link for her flaming her friend, she later says she hates all of xo.

You have repeatedly compared me to your exes when I am merely just a friend to you. You say that you didn't want anything which I have agreed with multiple times since I have gotten out of something recently and I do NOT want anything with you. But yet again you send me TikToks that one would send to a significant other. (https://imgur.com/a/HcYwS1k) < These screenshots are all from February 28th. Ciao has constantly manipulated and tried toying with my feelings for no reason, showing what kind of person she really is.

Ciao has repeatedly belittled her own friends in call to me. Calling all of her friend's team "xo" to be toxic, annoying, and just all around "fake friends". She would constantly belittle her teammates after losing a tournament to me. Calling her analyst "braindead" and a "weirdo" and continuing to obviously, flame the rest of her teammates. Complete and utter fake human being to her friends. I have multiple clips of this, but for time sake and to keep this tweet shorter and easier to read. it wont be involved unless someone wants to hear them. (https://youtu.be/rVidzV4Lqlk) < her flaming a friend of hers thats in XO and unfortunately I do not have the rest, but she later calls XO all fake and annoying.

For some of the people in the comments of her twitlonger - I haven't even worked with 99% of you complaining that I broke your PC. No Twitter DMs or anything showing that we have interacted at least once. Kinji, You had tons of software on your PC that I am not familiar with. I highly recommend you install Malwarebytes and Tron to handle that as whatever evidence you had against me is completely and entire false, as I am not from Belarus. (?)

a lil side note: I will be making an in depth guide on how to actually optimize your PC (with all my scripts and programs, free to scan, all open source). This will be free of charge and will not require you to go to any Twitter or online "optimizers" that charge over $160, as for me I have only charged $40.

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