
ciao · @ciaolyx

2nd Mar 2023 from TwitLonger

Alleged Claims Against @/vootmoot and His Services

TLDR: Recently I got my PC optimized by a known person in the community @vootmoot. He allegedly bypassed 2FA by stealing my Discord token from my PC and was able to freely login to my account.

On Tuesday, February 14, I messaged him asking about optimization and details about it and specifically his work. I trusted his word/work because my friends worked with him and got their computers optimized in the past.

The screenshots below are proof of payment and the explanation of his services. The $80.00 payment that was given to him was paid by a follower ($40.00 for my PC and $40.00 for his).

I proceeded to go through with his services and allowed him to optimize my computer around February 25 - February 28. The reason why I became suspicious was due to an argument we had about something unrelated to his services. He began to say things that were specifically in my DMs with other people and started to threaten me by saying how "people will know" and that I'm "shitty, toxic, manipulative, the reason why society is wrong". The same day, I proceeded to check my device manager for Discord and it showed "CURRENT DEVICES", one of which was located in Pennsylvania (the rest were my locations). The reason I became suspicious of him specifically was due to his location and the location on my device manager, which matched.

I have 2FA on my Discord; anyone with 2FA knows that if you are logging in on a new device, you'll receive an email from Discord with a link which will allow you to accept login from a new location. I checked my emails and didn't see anything from Discord about a login. I also want to note that I've NEVER given anyone my account information, but regardless, if it was a login by username and password, an email would've been sent and numbers from my 2FA would have been required. I believe the only way he could've gotten access to my account was by grabbing my tokens and putting files on my PC during the optimization.

After my suspicions, I contacted a friend of mine, Trippy, and he advised me to factory reset my PC and install a program that checked for viruses and files on my PC that weren't supposed to be there. After this process, @vootmoot INSTANTLY began spam texting me on multiple different phone numbers trying to defend himself after I had already blocked him on every platform.

Timestamps when I factory reset my PC and he contacted me INSTANTLY after.

The reason why I'm bringing attention to this is for people who have worked with him in the past and people who plan to work with him in the future. I don't know what other information he accessed besides my Discord. He could've gotten access to emails, other account information, credit card information, etc. I understand that he is well known and trusted for his services and I didn't think that something like this would happen. I doubt this is the first time he's done something like this so I strongly urge people who have worked with him, to reset their PC and to check for any suspicious activity.

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