
Daniel · @elston_studios

2nd Mar 2023 from TwitLonger

So, my indie game was stolen

What a wild 24 hours! It was recently brought to my attention that another company appeared to have stolen the game files for Guile & Glory: Firstborn, changed only the title, and reuploaded it to Steam in an effort to sell the game as their own product.

I have been in contact with Steam and YouTube to have the content this person posted removed, and thankfully the game is no longer listed on Steam as of now.

My sincere thanks to everyone who assisted in this process, from bringing the unauthorized version to my attention, to helping get it removed from Steam.

Some of this person's content is still up, and I am working to have it removed. I won't link to it here, but if you have seen the stolen version and want to play the original, Guile & Glory: Firstborn can be found here: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1252210/Guile__Glory_Firstborn/

In my case, the other company copied everything, from the game files to the exact wording of the Steam page (excepting the title). Fellow #indiedevs and #gamedevs, I would encourage you to google your game's Steam description without the title, and see if anything comes up.

Apparently, unauthorized copies of indie games are quite common, and it pays to be cautious. I was very fortunate that this was brought to my attention early and could be resolved relatively easily. Stay safe out there, everyone!

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