NotTGP · @NotTGP6

17th Nov 2022 from TwitLonger

A statement on KIPP: Untouched

Hello everyone, before I start I want to reassure everybody that this game is releasing, I want to stress that.

If you're unsure about the situation, around a week ago I was cleaning up some files and was moving the KIPP: Untouched project file. To keep a long story short, I messed up the transfer and the file was beyond recovery. It was such a stupid mistake, but an easy one to make. Now with that being said, having no project file really means I cannot work further on the game. There was originally an Android version of the game planned, however if I wanted to make it, I would either have to somehow fix the original project file or remake the game entirely from scratch. Having no project file also means I won't be able to fix any bugs or issues in the game. Now thankfully after playing the game I haven't encountered too many bugs, but there are most definitely many that I have not come across. There is a bug where after the nightly phone call ends, the mute call button doesn't go away. There is also another where if you flip your camera down and very quickly change your office view, the game will crash. I desperately want to fix these before the game releases, but I am unable to.

With all of that being said, the game is in a stable enough position to release. But I do want to preface again that the game is not "truly" finished. There's things I wanted to change or fix, but I simply can't. If you do find any bugs during your playthrough, I cannot fix them. I wanted to release this just so everybody is caught up. Thanks for reading this, and I want you to expect better for the next game I make. Take care everyone

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