Seeds of Evil : Patronizing

I need help. I have been robbed of my stimulus. I only have a limited amount of time. My Achilles heel has been found and Destiny will no longer ignore my donnos. Every acknowledgement a cracked whip to my wicked soul. I must change my tactics.

I am creating a system to free my donnos from Destiny's abuse and tyranny. Until then, I am following parapops and loading up THC to get my hit. I'll distract myself with some creative content I guess.

Destiny is vulnerable but has a code of conduct. Cannot vocalize it, abuses instead.
Max is vulnerable but is not conscious of his code of conduct. Navigates conduct with trauma loops.
A narcissist's usually only can do two things, even in the best of cases. One, see any situation from their perspective. Or two, see how their perspective can help what you're communicating to them.

I ran a postcast with a bunch of my friends. I locked my gamer girlfriend in a room next to us.

My girlfriend is fat. Us Men think that's disgusting. I love her though. My girlfriend is doesn't "work". Men think that's abhorrent. I love her though. I rematch my words and run the loop again. Indignation, Validation. Indignation, Validation. That's the standard loop right? It's just instead of saying "fuck that bitch she's crazy", it's "I love her though". Sometimes I wonder if the words even matter at that point.

In the end, just because she's attached to me... Just because she's addicted to me... She constantly hear those words. Fat, lazy, entitled, lustful, dishonest. Till for her foreseeable life, she stalks her own actions for any reason to self deprecate. Why then, is it surprising, that her habits and thoughts would form such destructive loops? As long as they're the only things she hears, how else did I think this will end?

When does she get a say in the matter?

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