
Spookii · @ItzSpookii

31st Oct 2022 from TwitLonger

Clearing shit up

As you all know, I am no longer a part of Red Crown Esports now due to an impulsive decision made by co-owner "Rid". First of all, let me say that I have nothing but love for Skyline the other owner, the players, or the coach Bloop, I love all of those guys and I am sorry to go.

First of all, for the reason I was terminated. Jbass tweeted that he was now managing Sol and since it does not explicitly state in my contract that I can't seek other options, I replied "If they need a mental coach". Now, this puts my devotion to the team in question as stated by Jbass I understand, but circumstances I will mention later made me want to look at other options just in case, plus you never know if you don't ask. Then, Nation told me I cannot be a part of 2 teams to which I responded, "At that point I will just choose which team I want to be a part of" in a now deleted tweet. I admit that this was not the best tweet from me and I apologize for the lack of thinking in that tweet. I am not one to give up on a team or a "team switcher" and anyone who knows me and has teamed with me or that I have coached will know this fact even if I am not being paid. Anyways, Holden the manager for X13 replied to my tweet saying "Thats crazy LOL" to which I DMed him and clarified my situation in a text that Rid saw and caused not only my termination but my integrity as a coach to be put into question as "every manager knows how you operate now". Now any team that I have coached can vouch especially High Caliber with Gran, Lightz, and Aurora, I do not give up on any team and I stuck with them until the end and put in my all for those guys which I also intended to do for Red Crown since it was my first ever RLCS opportunity.

Now, about the situation. This past RLCS weekend was a great one and I had a lot of fun watching the team work and seeing the amazing mental they had and how much fun they had as friends, when they were not doing so well, coach Bloop would step in and offer advice as well as give them mental tips too. Now, this was my job of course but I was not going to kill his vibe mid regional saying it was my job. I fully intended to talk to Bloop about it after which I talked to Rid about. Second of all, the team barely talks to us and kinda does their own thing, which they can do. As a mental coach I believe it is best to be close with my players so I can help them the best I can, so I also intended to solve that situation too. As per payment, you can see in my contract on the doc provided that I am not being paid, and being a broke college student, I like to keep my options open so I can maybe get paid somewhere else, which thought to be normal. Given, it should happen in private and not publicly stated like I did and for that I apologized to Rid after he brought it up to me. Again, my intention was never to leave the team out to dry, I fully intended to fix these problems which I had talked to Rid about already so he knew the situation.

Now for the last part about how impulsive Rid was in this decision and why I was wrongly terminated. When I messaged my good friend, Skyline, the other owner about my termination and told him it was nice working with him, he said "Rid didn't discuss this with me, wtf, sorry to hear that man, just wish rid would talk to me about this kind of stuff first" to which I was obviously surprised to be terminated without the other owner even knowing about said termination. That is all as I do not want to bring any harm onto him or his career, I also wish him the best regardless of what happened.

The purpose of this is merely to clear my name and explain my side of things and what exactly happened. I hope that and team I have coached in the past can vouch for what I have said and how hard I work especially High Caliber. Thanks for reading if you got this far.


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