
Kdin Jenzen · @KdinJenzen

18th Oct 2022 from TwitLonger

A further apology & more.

First of all my apology was lackluster - I am fully aware that my past behavior and words, were egregious, and to some, including myself unforgivable. I rushed my apology in my shame and have felt the weight of who I used to be for so long, that I needed time to process seeing myself like that again and then how I could address everyone.

I have spent the last 12 years trying to be the person an 8 year old me would feel safe with. I have spent the last 12 years trying to be better, to find myself, and advocate for the people I directed my internalized hatred towards.

I’ve tried my best to help and strengthen my BIPOC co-workers at Rooster Teeth, supported them in every way I could, and reported and called out every bit of misconduct.

I poured my efforts into helping the Black, AAPI, Hispanic/Latin, Disability, and Womens BRG groups as well as running the LGBTQIA+ BRG within Rooster Teeth to advocate for change internally at the company as well as in the industry and world as a whole.

During those times leadership at Rooster Teeth constantly gaslit every BRG, pressuring us to do even more work on top of our normal jobs. None of the BRG groups were paid for their efforts and all time in those groups was viewed by Rooster Teeth as “volunteer” or “a perk of working at RT to be a part of these groups”.

The final straw for me working at Rooster Teeth was this year when one of the highest people at the company chose to yell at our black employees for “putting on a lackluster show” during BHM. I stood up and called him out for his and the company’s lack of support for the Black Excellence BRG as well as every other BRG.

That person then doubled down and blamed the BRGs for everything, despite all the hard work from every Black, AAPI, Hispanic/Latin, Queer, and female (non-management level) employee at the company doing everything they could to make active change.

As I mentioned in my original post these are only SOME of the experiences I had at Rooster Teeth. But some of those stories aren’t mine to fully tell. You’ve heard some of them from other ex and current employees. And these are just the ones they feel comfortable sharing right now. There is so much more.

For myself… I know can’t take back those words I said all those years ago, I can only continue to be better. I know all of this coming to light has detracted from the message and that I indeed was part of the problem for some time. I’m not that person anymore and I hope who I was doesn’t negate what RT has done.

If you choose to no longer support me, I understand. My words here are not to elicit sympathy from anyone. But I will continue to push for proper rights and advocacy for all people as I know that’s what should be done.

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