Emmanuel Sonubi: Emancipated #edfringe review

I’m watching this show thinking "There must be a mistake? He’s supposed to be a newcomer?". This guy is a natural!

This is a getting-to-know-you, with many tales ranging from childhood to adult life on the doors of a nightclub. He’s a man mountain, but don’t let that fool you; he’s soft on the inside. He loves nothing more than a good Disney musical and he even attended drama school back in the day.
He admits that life on the doors was easy money, but we can see that his acting skills have come in useful as he demonstrates a deadly stare that would have made anyone’s bum squeak.

He then explains that he is a father of two and that there’s no real difference between kids and drunk people. He gives some hilarious examples. This show is consistent and there’s laughter throughout. It's a solid hour with great writing and great delivery; he will be a star! I’m not surprised that he’s been nominated for this year’s newcomer. I’m already looking forward to seeing what he does next.

4 Stars ****

Emmanuel Sonubi: Emancipated @ Underbelly 18:10

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