indefinite hiatus

Dear Krewtons,

I can’t find the words to express how unconditional my love is for my community.

Streaming pulled me out of a rabbit hole of depression ever since debuting in May of last year. Getting to know my community and since growing it, I’ve met so many wonderful people and am so glad to call a lot of them my friends. I thank you all for the support you’ve given me to pursue my path. I thank you for each time you’ve come to my stream to chat and hangout. Thank you for your company, your presence, and your time. My time as a content creator and twitch streamer was undoubtfully fun and exciting!! Without you, my journey wouldn’t of been this amazing– and I cherish every moment of it. Regarding the discord server, I plan on leaving it to a close friend of mine to keep the bread legacy strong. Please do not feel obligated to stay if you do not want to! If you are staying, promise me you’ll be nice <3

I am going on an indefinite hiatus from streaming and content creation. After August 7th, all activity on Twitter, Twitch and Youtube will be ceased. I do not want to archive any of my YouTube videos, so they will stay up! I have two more YouTube videos I have planned that I want to upload before I go, which are the room tour and an ASMR mic test video! Regarding merch, I will be keeping that open for purchase for awhile <3

My last Twitch stream will be on Saturday the 6th at 2PM PST. If you want to leave behind a message for me, I will be holding a Marshmallow QnA and will read it live on strem <3

- Breb Lady <3

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