
Tatuy · @Tatuylol

27th Jun 2022 from TwitLonger

List of thoughts during my last 2 NLC splits

If I was better at transforming my thoughts into words about ingame stuff I could have led teams into far better results, the biggest weakness I had as a player.

The biggest reason in my mind why NLC didnt have a big viewership at the beginning was simply because of the casters and how they were so focused on shitting every team instead of trying to create hype around games. Most recent split has been great from the cast.

During my time in NLC most of the time the best toplaners were the ones who rarely played aggressive on lane and had their focus on tracking the jungler. Playing really stupidly aggressive only gets you so far.

Idk if its because of the benching of Muter or what but seems like every Danish player hates my guts.
And to add on this Ive seen all kinds of players but for the first time I had to play with a guy who ignores his team in order to boost his own laning stats and wont participate in anything the team does. Sorry Muter but its the truth.
It amazes me people refuse to see this and only look at stats.

Also the most toxic players in EUW are from scandinavian countries and more precisely danish players.

Most chill players come from UK or eastern europe.

Im really sad I couldnt convert my ability to micromanage players and teams to higher results because of my high regard of positive mindset around teams and not saying my mind as I would have liked to.

Mechanically I wasnt a good player but telling people what to do was always my best trait as a teammate.

I think there are a lot of toplaners atleast who should be in better teams but are just gatekeeped by their endless streak of playing in bad teams. Probably same for other roles aswell.

Honestly I knew for a long time im not gonna make it as a player but kept going for the drive of competition and the money to fund my studies.

Most coaches at ERL level are shameless paycheckstealers and have insanely massive egoes. If you are not a redeemed coach you should stick to being there to help players figure stuff on their own and not plant shit ideas into their heads.
And some coaches might be good at coaching ingame stuff but are carried by their players that excuse really bad drafting and gets hyped when they do shit "creative" drafts.

I got banned for 2 weeks during spring split because I called an aram exhaust mandate ashe player a pedophile hundred times and im not even slightly sad about it.

For most of my time with league I found soloq enjoyable. Losing streaks that werent solely my own purpose were the only thing that made it not too fun.

Being able to communicate inside the team with your native language is the most broken and underlooked thing ever.

Based on soloq atleast Whiteknight is the best toplaner I have faced easily. And Jayce is so fuckin op if you can play that shit to a decent level its a cheat code.

Played probably half of my mondays NLC games brainfogged by hangovers hahah sorry teams.

Players shouldnt keep playing in higher level leagues if they find themselves playing in only permalosing teams that cycle is going to never end btw.

KOVA was easily the best organisation I was ever part of and the whole staff was amazing I miss them all.

During the first Singularity split we played almost entirety of the split with no pay and we were really close to going public that we are getting scammed but there was some issue with owner transitions and eventually we got our pay.
Later on I have learned it was all because of the actions of the former owner who managed to fuck things up really well.

Most fun times playing league were always national tournaments inside Finland its sad there isnt really infrastructure to do more. (shoutout to Echidna).

Theres this russian guy called Kreox and he must be the best player on this server I have never lost with this guy and hes always complete 1v9.

After I certain point when I had the most say who we are scrimming against I refused to scrim turkish teams like what is the working culture in that country they really dont give a fuck.

I dont respect players who got to high elo playing only Camille with high winrate. Biggest tempelo champ to exist during s10-11.

I think after our first split in NLC I should have went to play minor ERLs to gain confidence and better results to boost my career. (I tried this with GLL but ended up joining a team in middle of a disaster during their split.)

My motivation towards league dropped instantly after finding out im going to be a dad. And at the same time for the first time in my life I had insane motivation to do well in school and look for a job.

I like to think im more positive person than the impression this list gives I just wanted to vent out random thoughts I had.

Practically every team Ive been in always blames the draft after every loss and the first thing they discuss after scrim games is draft when the talking points should be about the gameplay with the draft you had. Feels like teams
are just looking for easy way out and look for the perfect draft instead of focusing on macro.

I wish organisations would say that they are not going to be able to do something rather than give endless empty promises.

The players in Singularity during my time apart from the one person were amazing, this year could be presented to teams and teach how a team can function properly when everyone is motivated and belive results come eventually.

Scrimming was like a drug to me its so fun.

Me and my friends have probably made thousands of euros from winning daily challengermode tournaments that reward 10e per player if you win it.

In our first game with Piccione signed and his first scrim block we played against KCorp and it was beautiful the man had 2cs at 5mins on Soraka mid against Saken hahah

If you are playing ARAM and not playing tanks/bruisers and perma all-inning you are missing out

Drafting is somewhat overvalued tbh and only plays really impactful part in games where teams are really close in skill level. Bad teams excuse their own bad gameplay with calling out bad drafts instead of focusing on improving as much as they could.

I decided to leave Singularity due to simply not having time to sleep if I would have continued.
Waking up at 5 am for work and being only able to play evening block that usually ends around 23 finnish time gave me too little time when obv I just cant go to sleep instantly after scrims

Why does every player who quits tries to be a coach?? Being a decent player does not automatically make you a person who can teach others lol

I dont think people realise how big the gap is between divisions in ERL¨s. If we dont count Singularity cuz we sucked, I believe every div 2 team would get shitstomped by every div 1 team in relegations.

Dont be loyal to organisations its never worth it.

Snurmi would be in LEC if he took this game seriously no doubt.

Me and most players that got benched/left from Singularity were happy it happened, Ive never experienced such a bad relationship between owners and the players.

I think NLC was always a really high quality ERL even though everyone loves to undermine it as a region. (Until recently)

If the same tank meta had kept going from Season 6 or 7 my career would have went a lot better hahah.

I lost all faith in actually having impact in soloq from toplane after I played only yasuo janna botlane to masters with my fiancee.

I am kind of proud that I was able to to beat toplaners in NLC during laningphase. Just wasnt good enough to carry the games.
When I started NLC in KOVA I was legit so shit in lane I felt like I was holding back my team every game hahah glad they put up with my shit.

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