
Kane Carter · @Popgoes6

10th Jun 2022 from TwitLonger

Clarification on the LiamCrush tweet

Hi everyone,

By now you've probably already seen this Tweet by "LiamCrush": https://twitter.com/LiamCrush1/status/1535333910242017283

Read that first and I'll do my best to explain further here, to clear up some misinformation, etc.

In late May, the Evergreen team and I were given an anonymous tip regarding a group chat used by Ultranite (developer of Chomper's), Ramenov (developer of JR's) and Mechlus (developer of Project Readjusted). The group chat was apparently used to host and discuss leaks of fangames, including Evergreen, which Ultranite was receiving via a close friend of his (one of my team members). This friend had no idea Ultranite was sharing these leaks with the others. They are no longer a member of our team but we understand they were not doing anything malicious - they were just sharing stuff they were excited about, with someone they trusted. It happens.

We found that another member of the group chat, which was called "The Pear", was actually a close friend of the Evergreen team. We confronted them and they let us know everything. Turns out, The Pear was much worse than just a ground for leaking fangames.

Ultranite, Ramenov, and Mechlus had contributed in a multitude of disgusting things. Here are some examples I'm comfortable sharing:
o Collecting information from fangames, including the entirety of Evergreen (and most of Arcade)
o Digging up and sharing personal information, including Facebook profiles, photos, full names of people in the community
o Scheming to dump content anonymously if members of The Pear were ever attacked or if The Pear itself was leaked

As you can tell by that last one, when we found out about this we decided to stay as quiet as possible, at least at first. We let Scott know about this due to some contractual stuff (can't talk about it), and the information was also shared with some of the people involved on Ultranite's development team. We wanted people directly affected to know, but to not make it a public issue, to minimise any potential retaliation.

You may be thinking "Why would they leak stuff if you exposed them?" And again I'd like to mention... they literally said they would. We have years of work, personal information, and OTHER fangames at risk of being dumped because they boasted that they would do this:


And if their reputation were to be ruined by this going public... What would they have to lose?

Emil also told Ultranite directly that we knew about The Pear. And the three of them were told that they were being banned from some communities, blocked by people involved... and some of my friends sent much angrier messages (understandably).

I understand the frustration of finding out about this all of a sudden. And maybe you were working with Ultranite, Ramenov, or Mechlus and now you feel betrayed. Yeah. I'm sorry. We did all we could to protect the community from these people, once we were able to take action. The three of them were banned from my server, Freddit Discord, Phisnom's server, and more. We didn't want to do much more than that because we promised them, in fear of our stuff being leaked, that we WOULDN'T make it public. It is now public... not because of us, but because of them.

I hope this clears things up. The screenshots above are the only thing I'm willing to share at the moment, because I believe it justifies our silence. Everything else... you don't need to see. It's not pretty. Hopefully you can trust us.

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