
LiamCrush · @LiamCrush1

10th Jun 2022 from TwitLonger

The most widespread FNAF Fangame leak in this community.


Before we begin, I think it needs to be said this post is not being written with malicious intent. It does not sit right with me and many of the people involved that this is being swept under the rug just to benefit a small portion of the many people affected.

This situation, while in comparison is not as messed up as other situations in this community (ex Jonochrome), is incredibly important and affects many in this community. Please refrain from witch-hunting the people that caused this, and please read everything in this post to prevent anything from being misunderstood, etc. The info I am about to share with you all was leaked by more than one source, so please do not try to track down who shared all this info. A public posting was bound to happen, I'm just ripping the band-aid off.

Ultranite, Ramenov, Mechlus, and more people who I have unfortunately not been given the names of having been running a small secret group chat for about a year and a half now. Many people knew about this before they were caught, however, they were lead to believe the 3 main group members had shut it down shortly after being informed of it. This was not the case. The reason why this group chat was "secret" is that its intention was incredibly malicious and meant to cause chaos in this community. Ultranite and Ramenov have been collecting content from MANY fangame projects, including ones directly tied to the fanverse, with the intent to eventually leak it all. My projects, as well as my friends' projects, were included. These three, mainly Ultranite, have been worming their way into development teams, befriending figureheads of this community, tracking down private accounts, and gaining power on GameJolt.

They used this all to manipulate and get content the public should not be seeing, at least not without permission from where it comes from. I myself was a victim of their little game, and I am incredibly frustrated I was used and backstabbed. I am sure the others involved are as well, at least the ones who secretly found out, which I will get into later here.

Why were they doing this? Not entirely sure. Their initial plan was to collect as much as possible, and eventually post it all in a file dump on 4chan. What they would gain from this? I have no idea, but they discussed this plan weeks before getting caught. Interestingly it seems the intention of what they wanted to leak changed at some point as well, as I have found out Scott Cawthon's private wedding video, as well as many of his personal family photos, were included in this group chat. I will not give out all the games and projects that were leaked into this group chat, but I will say if you had any of the 3 people I named involved with any of your projects or shared any private content with them, chances are it made its way into that group chat.

This may come off as hard for a lot of you to believe, and unfortunately, I do not have any screenshots from this group chat. However, if you notice Ultranite, Mechlus, and Ramenov have left a majority of the servers they were in, including Freddit. This has already caused much speculation, and many already knew they did something. Even more, Ramenov recently announced he was planning to leave the community after he releases Jr's, but he refuses to tell anyone why. This is why.

You might be asking, how did this get found out? A source who had gotten into the group chat archived it all and shared it with Kane Carter, to which Kane confronted Scott Cawthon himself and then talked to Ultranite and co. You would think they would do more than just talk to them and block them, but they didn't.

As of recent, Kane has been making an effort to cover this up, which is exactly what he tried doing with the Jonochrome situation up until someone posted it on Twitter. Why Kane is doing this? I don't know. He doesn't want people to know this stuff is happening. Ultranite and his friends are already attempting to move on here like nothing ever happened, which is not OK.

I am here doing what Kane, for some (probably stupid) reasons, won't do. His plan has already started working, but I refuse to let this get swept up under the rug. I feel it is necessary for the developers and people involved to know that Ultranite and his friend group cannot be trusted, at least not right now. I guess Kane feels that the smaller people in the situation (the ones who aren't in the fanverse), do not matter.

To my knowledge, there are no plans to share the archive of the group chat and considering the fact it involves fanverse content, I am sure if someone does attempt to make it public, they will get in very serious legal trouble. The intent of this document is not to fearmonger or warn of a potential leak, but to let people who have similarly been used by these individuals know of what they are doing.

These people have been figureheads of this community for years now, and a lot of devs have probably had some interaction with them. It does not sit right for me to sit by and stay quiet when these people have endangered many passion projects created by talented devs. They deserve to know what has happened and what was going to be done with things they shared in private under the assumption it would be kept behind closed doors. Such a far-reaching breach of trust by a trusted figure in this community simply cannot be kept quiet, and it does not sit right with me for these individuals to be allowed a quiet exit from the community without the actual reason being known.

Thank you all for reading. I hope you all can understand.

This is all I have for now.

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