André Martins · @AfmLUL

24th May 2022 from TwitLonger

Career and what's ahead

As some of you might suspect at this point, I did not find a team for the next split.
Ever since I shared my time between university and League I wanted to feel the experience of playing it full-time. However, I made it clear to myself that if I felt that I wouldn't have a good chance to play in any split I would probably drop the full-time adventure and move on to my professional career.
Which is why we're here. After the disastrous split in LVP, result and experience wise, I tried looking for a team in the offseason but didn't find any opportunities besides from one or another which were not very attractive. Therefore, and as I have been thinking about this for some weeks already, I will retire from competitive League of Legends, at least from the full-time perspective.
This is probably one of the most sour and difficult decisions I have to take in my career, but I feel like it is the right choice to take in this moment.

I would like to thank everyone whom I met and talked during these years, this game has followed me during half of my lifetime and I will forever cherish the moments I have been through and the people I have befriended during this decade.
As for the future, I hope to be employed in a regular job in the next months and will have League as a part-time hobby again, as a player or a coach if I have the opportunity, so I'll still be around. Cheers everyone!

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