
G2 zAAz · @ZainabTurkie

19th May 2022 from TwitLonger


It's time to say goodbye to competitive gaming. This was one of my hardest decision I've ever made but its time for me to move on and set new goals to reach. Ending my career with a win meant a LOT to me. I made it to 20 years of playing with maaany trophies liftedπŸ†πŸ₯‡. From CS 1.5 to CS 1.6 to CSGO and then to Valorant. I'm proud of myself and I deserve to call myself a legend πŸ‘Š.

I was 11 years old when I started playing. I knew already at that age what I wanted and that was to become the best out there. And it has not been an easy road but that doesn't matter. What matters is what I made it to and that I've reached my goal and it was worth everything I sacrificed, every tear and sweat.
I've achieved so much in my career and learned so much from Esport. Met so many new friends from all over the world, seen so many countries, gained so much experience thanks to Esport. And I'm so happy to be an inspiration for other young people. It truly warms my heart ❀

But hey, I won't leave Esport. I will start working in Sweden/Malmo with educating young people/gamers about esport/CS/Valo and about my experience. Finding new talents will also be my mission. This has always been my dream to do after retiring. I can't see myself working with anything else than esport. Esport is my passion and will always be.

My new replacement Mary, a little me. I love her and I can't wait to see her grow as a player. Definitely a young talent to watch out for. Right mindset, right attitude, being mentally strong and patience is all u need to achieve your goal. I believe in you, I believe in Gozen πŸ™Œβ€.

And to my beloved friend and best team mate I have ever had Julia, we are GOALS. 9 years together. Thank you for everything I love u and will be missing you a LOT.

To the people who has been supporting me, thank you so much I couldn't have made it without you. Thank you G2, best organisation I've ever represented. Thank you team mates, coach and manager I love you all and will be missing u so so much and will always be here for you no matter what ❀

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