
Devilpiotr · @Devilpiotr1

14th May 2022 from TwitLonger

My plans for summer split

I decided to take a break in Summer Split and focus on my studies - this is my last year, so I want to finish it 🙂
I missed posting my work on twitter during the split - I have a lot of fun sharing my opinions with you and now I want to do it more regularly.
After improving my situation in university I want to try streaming / youtube - I feel there are many options how can I describe my view of the game and maybe you can get to know me better.
I also want to express my gratitude for X7 - everyone was very supportive and understanding about my situation. The new X7 roster is going to be lit as hell if you ask me - I will be rooting for them in upcoming Summer Split for sure.

tl;dr dla polski publiki:
- uczelnia mnie dyma+ licencjat mam do napisania
- brakowało mi dzielenia się wiedzą dla szerszej publiki
- X7 to koty
- chciaÅ‚em spróbować siÅ‚ w streamowaniu/yt jak ogarne studia

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