Leaving Team Asteria and Moving on

Hey guys! I have officially left team Asteria effective immediately. I will no longer be playing with them in any other events. This decision was solely mine and nobody is to be blamed for my choices. It was a great 2 years of journey and I am truly glad and greatful for this opportunity. I dont think I would have turned out to be the player I am today, without the amazing women I have played alongside with. I know that this will leave a lot of questions in all of your heads, and I will just let you all know that this decision was coming one way or the other. It came sooner due to unfortunate circumstances.

Regarding NA, I will be going into rigourous training to focus up for myself and improve myself as player. I want to explore more agent options, improve emotional and mental aspects before, during and after games. I want to be a better version of myself in the next 2 months. NA is going to be a huge opportunity for me and nobody would miss out on it. Even with all the things I am leaving behind such as relationship, friends and the team, I know that this is the right decision for me.

I know that this twitlonger wont answer any questions but just know I have nothing but huge respect for all the amazing players I spent the last 2 years competeing with. In regards to what else I will do other than training myself, I will be available to help out and train any individual players or teams that want coaching or ever need any help. I want to keep learning and pass on the knowledge I have accumalted from years of playing and competeing.

So if anyone has any questions, wants to watch vods with me, stream or duo with me, or idk do anything im always there. I hope to keep connecting with the indian gaming community as I drift away from it soon, and I wish to cherish as much as possible before I leave. I appreciate all the love and support. As much as I didnt have the best career stats wise recently, I knew what my role was and I hope I fullfilled it.

See you all on the NA Servers where hopefully I can start a new journey with a new set of amazing players. Thanks for sticking around, supporting me and Team Asteria. Goodluck to the girls for all their future endeavours.


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