
Evening. ceo of business/smm/waterboy for Temperate here.

I funded a VALORANT team and a CS:GO team to compete at Insomnia 68 and it was two different worlds.

On one hand you’ve got a perfectly run tournament, where I believe the only delay though out the whole tournament was for 10 minutes, and I believe it was due to kinghaS taking a diabolical 💩. Meg, Ross & KaphRuss were superb and it felt like a genuine competitive tournament. To put it into perspective, my VAL team had made Upper Finals the same time my CS team played their last Swiss game.

But on the other hand you’ve got the CS tournament.
For a company that bought out Multiplay, A GAME SERVER HOST, the admins were given the best part of 3 Lions League PCs to run 15 concurrent games on? 27 teams paid a total of £612 each, adding up to £16,500, and we are forced to play on 1995 servers? I can understand the need to milk as much money as possible but when the games are literally unplayable why have we even bothered to attend?

The admins themselves were inexperienced but not completely at fault. For a tournament organiser that has been running CS for 2 decades, you would think they would hire paid, knowledgeable admins (such as Maru or Fatal, who I believe both helped out at this event once it went to shit at no cost) to ensure that even the server config was correct. How do you manage to have no freezetimes & no OTs when all it takes it downloading the ESL server config?

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