
Quin · @quinrex

2nd Apr 2022 from TwitLonger

Full context:

- ranked LoL match
- my own teams support bans the hero I had locked in
- support picks gangplank, goes top (where I am)
- only tries to take my CS
- does absolutely nothing to help vs enemy laner
- I TP and go bot to try solve the problem
- gangplank TPs immediately and continues to follow me & only try and take my CS
- intentionally does nothing to help and watches me die to gank whilst standing next to me
- Enemy team starts saying how GP is owning me
- Start going bot
- gp follows bot
- I TP top... gp follows
- enemy team continues to encourage GP (spoiler they are in discord)
- Go bot again, gp follows
- gp just watches me slowly die to gank does nothing
- multiple enemy team members are calling GP a "gigachad sigma male"

at this point the game is already over because I have not been able to play due to the stream snipers repeatedly breaking ToS to make it impossible for me to have a legitimate ranked match... plus gangplank is also severely underleveled.

I see they are clearly just trying to seek attention... so I decide to "run it down mid" and alt tab to a YT video as to not encourage this behavior.

All the stream snipers report me... I get banned. I am now told they are on discord celebrating as "they are the guys who got quin69 banned!!" and now Riot has confirmed that they checked the video and deem it a legitimate ban whilst the stream snipers run free gloating about the entire ordeal.

THIS is why ICANT. send help

Link to VoD if you want to watch it: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1441171703?t=03h13m51s

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