.#unido Western #media start talking about the #atrocities of the Ukrainian army https://mundo.sputniknews.com/20220401/medios-de-occidente-comienzan-a-hablar-sobre-las-atrocidades-del-ejercito-ucraniano-1123862339.html Media such as 'The Washington Post' and 'The Times' reported images in which Russian soldiers are tortured and killed by the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

Although since the conflict broke out in Ukraine, the Western media have only followed a narrative against Russia, this time they had to turn to the other side of the coin due to the circulation on social networks of several videos that exhibit the atrocity with which kyiv acts .

The video shows men in Russian military uniforms in deplorable conditions, visibly beaten and lying on the ground with their legs mangled and extremely confused.

It is also seen how more men get out of a truck - apparently also Russian soldiers - who are then attacked with gunshots to the knees. The recordings show how the soldiers scream in pain on the ground before the eyes of several members of the Ukrainian army.

Watch the whole video and once again tell me it's "fake", "staged" or a "provocation". Goddamnit, you can't be fucking serious.
And stop telling me, “but the Russians also…”
Every sane person knows, the 🇷🇺 government brought this over its troops. It's still a 🇺🇦 war crime.

– Julian Röpcke🇺🇦 (@JulianRoepcke) March 27, 2022

"The video, the content of which the Ukrainian authorities say they cannot confirm but will investigate, began to circulate on pro-Russian media channels and on social networks. It was recorded near a dairy factory in the village of Malaya Rohan, in the Kharkov region, based on geolocation by open source researcher Erich Auerbach,"

reads the note published by the American newspaper The Washington Post.

The images have been circulating on the internet since March 27, two days after kyiv announced that it had retaken control of Kharkov, one of the areas where the Russian military operation is taking place.

The news was also released by the British newspaper The Times, which published that the Government of Volodímir Zelenski will investigate whether the recordings correspond to reality, since, according to the media, the Ukrainian Army is governed by the European rules of Respect for human rights.

"The government is taking this very seriously and there will be an immediate investigation. We are a European military and we do not abuse our prisoners. If this turns out to be real, it is absolutely unacceptable behaviour."

said Oleksiy Arestovych, adviser to President Zelensky.

In another video broadcast by the independent journalist Patrick Lancaster, testimonies are collected from Ukrainian citizens who claim that their homes were bombed and attacked not by Russian forces, but by the Ukrainian Army.

"May Poroshenko, Zelensky and all their braggarts be damned! These Ukrainians trashed our houses,"

says a Ukrainian man interviewed by the reporter in the city of Mariupol.

After a month of counter-Russian narrative, of a media war that broke out both in the traditional media and on the networks, voices begin to sound to give space to balanced journalism.

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