
Hello everyone, for those of you who wanted to know why I changed my name here it is.

'' I had been contemplating a fresh start for a while now. It has been a long journey for me as OneSecondKill, as it was the first and only Gamertag I had up until now. 15 long years with one name that was inspired by 7-year-old me, playing First Person Shooter Games. Over the years I have put in hard work and dedication to a craft that many of us enjoy, and that is Gaming. To those of you in the Destiny Community that have known me as OneSecondKill, I am not going anywhere this is merely another step in a long journey. I've been a part of this wonderful community for over 7 years, ever since the beginning, and I'm still proud to this day to have known so many amazing individuals, that I would gladly consider my friends. Throughout the past few years, as Destiny 2 hasn't really evolved from a Competitive FPS standpoint, I started to reach out to other games and communities; therefore I saw it only fit to change my name. I wanted my new name to be something, to have a true meaning behind it. A name that I will carry for the rest of my gaming career. There was a lot of thought and contemplation as to what it was going to be...

Most of you probably don't know this as I don't typically share my personal life with anyone online but here it is. Over the years I've lost a lot of people and family in my life that I cared for. I don't have much family left. As I have grown older, through countless mistakes, errors in judgment, and bad choices, I have nothing but remorse in my heart. I may be young but I have a very old soul. I was raised by the best father a son could ever ask for. He taught me so much about life, about being a man and taking care of one's family. I strive every day to be a better person and to live up to what my father taught me. I will always follow my own path, stay in my own lane and never let anyone get in my way. If you guys ever want to ask me something my messages are always open.

So, Why Vengeance7...

'7' - It all started with 7-Year-Old Me, a young boy who just loved gaming with his father.

'Vengeance' - I pity the man that dares to stand in my way. I have nothing left but Vengeance in my heart.

Thank you all for reading, always being there for me, and for hearing a mere part of my story.

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