
Puppeh · @PuppehSSB

12th Mar 2022 from TwitLonger


After seeing Cinnamons response I am honestly shocked and bothered that she continues to drag out this situation while not addressing anything in my original post. I've been trying to move on ever since the events of that summer happened, and I was old enough to rationalize what truly occurred. It's hard to keep having to relive that time of my life.

For starters I have no comment on the Zephyr situation and know nothing about her accusations towards him. I did spend a lot of time at his house through the summer in 2016 and for a year or two after in which Cinnamon was not a part of and I never saw any instance of Zephyr being inappropriate with any of his guests including Cinnamon at any point during those two to three years.

The Sova smash scene used to be very toxic back in late 2015 through nearly all of 2016. The scene used to have a Facebook page where members of the community would post about anything relating to smash or upcoming tournaments, and there would also be shit talk between players of the scene to one another, and that was just the nature of the southern Virginia smash group at that time. The screenshots she posted all were from late 2015 significantly before Cinnamon and I became friends. Cinnamon and I did not get along for the first few months of knowing each other, and those screenshots while rude and disrespectful were way before any of the events I talked about occurred. I think it's really telling that it took two years for her to assemble a collection of outdated, and irrelevant screenshots of things that I said out of context that occurred way before our friendship became a thing. The timeframe of those screenshots and the timeframe of our sexual relationship were almost a year apart.

I've really been trying to put that time of my life behind me. I don't wanna talk about it, and didn't want to make this response to begin with, but I felt like I had to just to say the parts of her statement involving me are entirely false. I hope that I never have to make a post like this again, and I can finally fully move on.

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