
ADAMO · @actuallyadamo

10th Mar 2022 from TwitLonger

A statement on recent events

Adamo Gaming Group Ltd - Press release 10th March 2022.

I feel at this time, it's important for me to address some of the many things, perceptions and comments arising over the last 24/48 hours.

There will be much made about the Adamo journey, from its inception to its recent position.
The Adamo project was purely created to support DWP's Kickstart scheme to provide work opportunities in February 2021, when the country was in the midst of a lockdown and many young people were at risk of long term unemployment. We were fortunate enough to have received a significant grant, on the condition of Kickstart guidelines which meant that Kickstart placement activities couldn't be part of your 'business as usual' activities.

I set about launching one of the fastest-growing schemes in the region. I didn't have a clue about our sector, branding, esports, social media, press/public relations, technology or even entering a Google Meet properly. Let alone Discord, Slack, Trello and a whole range of other platforms that I still don't know how to use. I was happy that those that needed to around me, did.

The growth of the scheme was considerable, that growth allowed us to create management and leadership opportunities for people and support more young people.
Nationally DWP, by the closure of the Kickstart scheme, will have met only 50% of its targeted numbers. We could have filled Adamo Kickstart placements many times over.

In truth, it grew way too fast. The supporting infrastructure was fragile, with immature processes and temporary structure as the whole scheme was purely a response to the health pandemic.

Adamo was never the employer for Kickstart, it was created and then incorporated after a large amount of our Kickstarter's had commenced work on it. I had 5 clear 'divisions', MCB who made digital stuff, MDSM who pushed it out, Merch who did our Apparel, Tournaments and Events (T&E) who did some great internal activities and Gaming Performance (GP) which spun out into its own gaming entity.

The employment vehicles were partner companies with direct or indirect DWP contracts. They employed the person, and then they worked as part of a project member in one of the 5 areas, led and mentored by some of the high performers in those departments. Many cutting their teeth for the first time in management.

Timesheets collation, attendance and ensuring people were paid correctly were hugely challenging with an entirely remote workforce. My entire life experience in leadership was done face to face, I'd never dreamed of doing any meeting of importance remotely. Let alone run an entire remote business.

The Adamo project had 260 people, from our referral partners to undertake a Kickstart placement. We have paid £1.8m of wages to Kickstarters, we currently owe just over £21,000 which we are seeking to resolve asap.

The overwhelming majority of Kickstarters would have stayed working with Adamo beyond their placement end dates if they were given the chance.

We withdrew from the scheme in January 2022, partially due to the scheme set to close in March 2022 though mainly due to ever-shifting goalposts from DWP. Mainly to do with grant payments being on time and our awareness that Adamo would require long term investment to become financially viable. I had to prioritise. Regrettably, the last 'creatives' were given their notices last week. Purely a financial decision.

Adamo will remain. Firstly to ensure every Kickstarter, past employee and supplier are paid what is due. We have staff to do that by ensuring we work with DWP to collect the outstanding money and to improve the communication with those awaiting settlement.
I have supported the Adamo project, with funds to cover over £60k of wages to date. My commitment is everyone will receive what they are due.

I am aware that owing to my past, people will use that as some form of justification/blame for the current position. That is not the case, I am aware of at least 2 other significant Kickstart contract holders in exactly the same position as I find myself in right now.

Whilst I accept my own failings, targeting my 16-year-old child for abuse is not ok. He has no part in this and some of the messages he has received over the last hours are sickening and unnecessary. My 13-year-old son has also had 3 DM's come through this evening. How is that ever ok?

For those people still awaiting payment, please accept my sincere apologies. I will
everything I can to close this as quickly as possible.

All of the future communication, relating to this matter will be directed to those staff members awaiting payment.

Kind regards


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