Final Statement Regarding @/OkeanosQT

before i even begin, i know my last tweet about this situation was said to be the final statement from me. however, this is my actual last statement about this and i hope there will be no complications in the future to bring back this situation (this was asked to be public, hence why i came back to twitter.)

in august, i released a twitlonger explaining a situation between me and my ex boyfriend, Anthony Nguyen aka Okeanos. he was released from the ZMM valorant roster shortly after and announced he would be taking a break. he released an apology video 2 weeks later, commending change and talking about the irl repercussions he had received. i left the situation at this and no longer spoke about it. the situation resurfaced in november. it was publicly announced he would be competing again with Virtuoso. i wanted to see change, not just him back to competing without genuinely showing me or updating me on anything that had happened over the past few months. he was eventually released from virtuoso after a few days of the situation resurfacing due to the response from the community.

he reached out to me and formally apologized after the situation with Virtuoso. he promised he would show me his change throughout the course of the next few months. im glad to say he kept his word and has been updating me weekly about any sort of events that he wanted my approval for, any new updates on therapy and volunteer work, and just checking up.

an important update he gave me was that he volunteered at shelters of sexual assault, which I’m extremely grateful for. as a sexual assault survivor myself, (physically irl, not from him) the trauma that victims from SA face is so incredibly hard to push through. someone’s poor choice and horrible action can severely damage and cause problems for someone for their entire life. I’m glad that volunteering at shelters for victims of SA opened his eyes about the consequences and trauma reflected onto victims due to poor actions of another individual. he also completed his 5 months of therapy + has been a good person to me and his peers overall.

before he wanted to start competing again, he said he would check in with me to make sure i was 100% okay with it this time. I am here to say that i am okay with him coming back into the scene and begin competing in tournaments with teams. he’s shown me how hard he’s trying to change and how he is understanding the severity of his actions. i’m ready to see him to come back and compete without feeling the emotions i felt before. I’ve healed a tremendous amount and seeing how he has been trying to change and grow as a person, truly made it easier for me to move on and for me to settle peacefully.

before anyone assumes or suspects anything, i chose this decision. i wasn’t forced to choose this and i wasn’t threatened. this is 100% my own decision.

i want to clarify that my decision and reaction to his change is not what everyone should do or feel. never should a victim be told what to do, how to feel, or when they should move on. what i chose may not be even a considerable decision for someone else. so please, if anyone else comes out with something similar to me, DO NOT compare the two situations and say “she did this, you should too.” every victim is different and every victim has a right to feel and react the way they do. i support and only feel love for each and every victim of sexual assault out there. im proud of you for pushing through and my dms are always open for anyone who finds comfort in opening up or needs to talk to someone. you’re so strong

if you need professional help or guidance, the Sexual Assault Hotline is: 800-656-HOPE (4673)

TLDR: I’ve made the decision to allow Okeanos to compete again after updates and proof of change.

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