Tobias Theo · @TOBIZcsgo

24th Jan 2022 from TwitLonger

Next chapter! Coach/analyst position.

Hello everyone.

As my playing career is over (unless...), the next natural step for me is coaching or analyzing for a team. During my career I have been IGL’ing and mostly been playing the supportive roles, because that was what was needed. I am proud of what I managed to accomplish during my playing time taking into consideration I never played full time, like many of my opponents, but overall I am not satisfied yet, as I know I still have a lot to offer. Some short info about me:

- Bachelor of education with 3 years of experience in primary school, which has given me pedagogical competencies.

- Fluent in English and Danish with basic understanding of Swedish and Norwegian.

- Decade of experience playing CSGO and 1.6, including 3 seasons of ESEA MDL in recent times.

- Developed my own tool on how to keep track of progress during practice and officials.

So if you are looking for a coach/analyst/someone in charge of an academy, do not hesitate contacting me through twitter or my email: and let's have a talk.

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