
Billy S · @Billybae10K

2nd Jan 2022 from TwitLonger

Billy S

Hey all, last October I chose to quit YouTube full-time to focus on my life outside of the internet. And that is my main focus, but November & December have both been very... tough, for lack of a better term. I've never felt more useless due to a lack of productivity, and I came to some rather tough realizations.

First of all, I wasn't happy not creating content. I enjoy it, far more than I ever realized, and editing together a video is something that's just in my blood at this point. I want to continue improving with my Premiere & After Effects skills, so I can make a place for myself in a future career.

Second of all, I wasn't happy with Billybae10K as a brand. My channel started as a High School hobby, and has seen it's fair share of different focuses across the years. And it's that lack of focus that constantly had me frustrated. I'd muddied the waters too much with so many different series, videos, topics, etc.

So... I'm moving on. I'm leaving Billybae10K behind (Aside from my Twitter Handle because BillyS was taken), and I'm moving to a new channel called Billy S (My initials). I've been toying with the idea of a fresh start for years, even before the Smash mania of 2018, and there's no better time than now, when I have absolutely nothing to lose.

I'll be starting from scratch, 0 subscribers, and creating content from the ground-up, focused on gaming content, games news & retrospective reviews. I won't waste your time with half-assed videos and will strive to ensure every video has an element of quality and polish.

Currently, there are two videos live on the channel with a third in development, and I hope you're all willing to join me on this new journey I'm setting out on.

Wish me luck, and thank you to all my friends, family & supporters across the years. I can only hope I'll rise to the challenge of this new channel and have a great 2022!

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