To each and every dropping and dropkick..πŸ’œπŸ’š

I don't have the words to describe how I'm feeling right now, I could say thankyou a thousand times but it wouldn't be enough.
These past few days in hospital haven't been the brightest and the people who's days I've made a little better are the ones who've come and picked me up when I didn't know what to do.
I think there's something really special in that and I'm so lucky to have the community that I do.
I know I've talked about it before in little burst but you guys mean the world to me and I want to push myself to my limits to continue improving.

Thank you for putting up with me when I am loud.
Thank you for being there when I'm sad.
Thankyou for watching me, even when I do squawky scuffed karaoke.
Thankyou for watching me, even when I play a boring game.
Thankyou for teaching me languages and telling me about yourselves.
Thankyou for watching me when I'm losing in crab game.
Thank you for dealing with me getting distracted by chat.
Thank you for dealing with me sometimes being weird.
Thank you for putting up with my mic peaks.
Thankyou for letting me into your lives.
Thankyou for letting me into your hearts.
Thankyou for being there.

I am out of hospital tomorrow and I hope you guys don't mind if I rest for a couple more days and set some things in up the background. When I get back to streaming, it looks like we'll be doing a celery eating stream and I will order those ghost pepper noodles too. Management also gave the go ahead for a giveaway a little bit ago so there's another thing to look forward to. I love spoiling you guys during giveaways but I'm sorry if this giveaway can't be as big as my last one.

It might be pretty lame to say but you guys are my journey. Every one who clicks on my videos, is apart of that and together, for those who hit that shiny red button, I hope we can all continue to enjoy each other's company. Some people hate it when vtubers say they love their audience but I want you guys to know you're in my heart no matter what.


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