Past, Present, Future.

People are upset at the moment.
I’d like to apologize for how this went down.
Communities got involved, confused, at each other’s throats.
I made a tweet that riled people up.
I wish no ill will upon Nux either.
Apologies have been made behind the scenes , and I hope we can move forward from all this and learn and reflect.
More importantly I will reflect.
To my community, I am sorry I put you in an awkward position.
I will never do so again.
I never try to get involved in things like this.
But they are my friends and I love them.
Was it right to jump in.
I felt and saw my friends being harassed by members of a community.
So yes, I had to.
Could it have been handled better?
I don’t know. A lot of things have happened and many things are unknown. But we are all here now.
Wanting to move forward. Which is what I’ll be doing.
I apologize for any stress this may have caused to anyone.
Let’s strive for a peaceful and fun community

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