
Moggy · @Mognet_T

29th Sep 2021 from TwitLonger

My Story: Child Exploitation in the VTuber Community

Content warning: child exploitation, pedophilia, shotacon/lolicon

Hello everyone,
It’s time to talk about issues I’ve had with certain creators in the VTuber community. I believe at least two, possibly three, individuals have exploited minors, up to and including intentionally sexualizing a minor, and potentially harassing them. It is with heavy heart that I allege VTubers Miilkywayz, CelesteAlune and (potentially) Kurboi VTuber of disturbing actions towards at least one minor on Discord. In this document, I will discuss (1.) the incident, (2.) the problematic content, and (3.) my story. I formally allege that Miilkywayz has engaged in problematic content depicting minors, and potentially was aware there was a minor she was flirting with and acting sexual towards, as was CelesteAlune. I allege that Kurboi discovered the complaint and focused not on the welfare of the minor, but only if the minor had "shown me" the content. Please read everything carefully.

(1.) the incident
On May 2nd, 2021, I made a shocking discovery on Miilky’s Discord, the Planetarium, there was a minor actively flirting with Miilky and a regular named Celeste. I had previously joined several others in teasing the user, an account under the name Mushuko09 (aka Mush-Kun). He was a silly guy, with a limited vocabulary, a penchant for tall tales, a cheeky attitude, and the ability to get flustered easily. He existed in nearly every board on the server, especially general chat and the 18+ chats, where large amounts of pornography was posted daily. Mush claimed to be a 19 year old overnight worker at a grocery. He said he was an American expat who lived in London with an estranged parent.

I, along with several regulars had been teasing him about his relationship with Miilky, this teasing was often sexual in nature. On a whim I clicked his Discord profile. It linked to his Youtube channel where I quickly realized, from his two posted videos, he was a minor. In them, his voice and others could be heard. They were children, middle schoolers. It finally clicked: Mushuko09. 2009. He was 11 years old, going on 12. I contacted a moderator of Miilky’s, named Faraam. Another mod (and VTuber) named Kurboi contacted me and asked if “Mush had sent the Youtube” to me. I relayed what I had uncovered, and the boy was banned from the server, and I thought that was the end of it. After I had gone to sleep, the issue was “looked into” by Miilkywayz personally and Mush was unbanned.

After failing to be able to reach Kurboi, I contacted another moderator, Mads. I asked several follow-up questions as to why the child was allowed back into the server. Mads informed me Mush had “told us he is 19”. I provided screencaps from their own Discord server that showed Mush had lied about his age multiple times. I told Mads that “I'm outta here, enjoy your server, hope I'm wrong.”, and left the server. Mads reached out to me a short while later to inform me that Mush had been banned for “blatantly lying to mods”.

I rejoined the server, giddy to have the incident behind me, but a conversation unfolded before my eyes in General Chat that changed everything:
Nintendo1474: “Aww mush told someone? shame”
Celeste: (responding directly to Nintendo1474’s comment) “it was necessary one exception and this whole place is run into the [sic]ground”

I was in shock. There was so much to unpack, so much implied. The thing that stood out to me was obvious though: at least these two accounts were aware Mush was a minor. Furthermore, nobody else followed up on this conversation. If there’s a literal child posting on the 18+ areas of your server and flirting with adults: You. Report. That. Shit.

At this point, I had a choice. Go back to the moderation team, or leave and take this to a higher power. I decided then and there to leave the server and report them to the FBI. If there were other minors, or more people who were aware of them, I knew I could no longer be involved with that community. While I shall try my best to avoid baseless speculation, Kurboi’s words still rang in my head. He used the same language as Nintendo1474. He reached out to ask me if Mush told me about the videos. I can’t help but wonder if they were worried a minor had been ratting out the pedophiles. One pervasive thought made my skin crawl, “If Celeste and Nintendo1474 knew, who else knew?”

(2.) the problematic content
Miilky’s server has been a haven for poor conduct, from random members, to moderation staff, to Miilkywayz herself, there has been blatant disregard for Discord’s rules against loli/shota content, and poor moderation of 18+ content in general. Miilky herself is a shotacon, and at one point posted frequent shota content on her server. I want to make it clear that I’m not an Anti, but I find it to be a disgusting precedent to post drawn pornography that depicts underage males, while also (intentionally or unintentionally) sexualizing underage males on your server. It’s what some may call “a bad look”. At the best of times, Miilky’s Discord is an unsafe space and previously was a home to plenty of loli/shota content, much of which I believe is still up on the server.

“Milky’s shotas” were a common thing on the server. Many regulars (including myself, for a short period) nicknamed themselves as shotas. This included Miilky’s (and several other prominent VTubers’) moderator Capnamey, who had nicknamed himself “Cap, Shota King”. ZaNfurry, one of Miilky’s most prolific monetary contributors, also had a shota-fied name: “ZaN the Shota Hunter”. Once again, nothing here is illegal (in the United States, at least), but it is both against Discord TOS and looks very bad in light of an actual minor being present on the server. Capnamey, being such a prolific moderator for multiple VTubers, certainly should have known better.

When the loli/shota content was officially banned by Mads on May 27th 2021, most of the users dropped their shota monikers. The rule change was met with a wave of regular users who got one last dig at Miilky, the joke being she was hurt more by the ban than the regular users, so great is her reputation as a shotacon. Miilky’s last tease towards Mush was still up when I left the server, an artist had drawn her in lingerie and she posted “ara ara Mush-Kun”. The artist himself edited his own comment about Mush to a generic phrase, but Miilky never bothered to edit her last chance to sexualize the boy. I can’t stress enough, I don't think consuming shotacon content makes you a pedophile, but when you might have been flirting with a minor, and might well have known he was a minor, even in’s really gross as a whole. Milky went from someone I admired to someone who disgusted me.

Meanwhile, Celeste still jumps from Discord server to Discord server, tagging along with her is Yung (AKA YungMisfit, AKA YungElite). I certainly hope Yung is not a minor, but the very nature of their relationship, and Celeste’s knowledge of Mush, makes me cautious at the best of times. After observing the two of them up to their antics on one VTuber’s Discord, I left after making a nasty rant, so triggered by their very presence.

Regardless of speculation, I personally believe that Miilky’s server was, and still is, an unsafe space for people to chat. There are potentially minors among the adults, adults who previously referred to themselves as shotas/shota-hunters, and there is a trove of loli/shota content in the backlogs. It’s a complete mess that only makes any accusations seem more plausible. The administration and moderation team: MalteMortenson (AKA Malte/Malty), Capnamey (Cap), Razkilz, Artartic (Arta/Arty), Faraam the Nameless King, Kurboi, Sweed (Sweede/TrueSweed), and Mads (Trolling183/Trollling1) should all be scrutinized for their poor moderation, breaking of Discord TOS by allowing shota/loli content for months and months and quite frankly, their inability to competently moderate their Discord channel. I will not speculate further on any one individual's knowledge of Mush or any other minor that Miilky/Celeste may have been in contact with, but I do not trust any of them. I’m also skeptical of any creator that has spent a long time on the server, this includes VTubers MyxMage and Mommy Soulless.

I believe Miilky should be banned from Discord for posting content that breaks TOS. I considered reporting her to Twitch, Twitter, and Discord, but I actually went one step further. When I first saw the conversation between Nintendo1474 and Celeste, I notified the FBI via the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children and reported Miilky, Celeste, Nintendo1474, and all of Miilky’s moderation team to the proper authorities. Using the context clues from Mush’s videos, they contacted the NJ State Police. Within a week, all of Mush’s online accounts were deleted. I believe they located him successfully and that he is safe. I will not speculate on any other actions the police or the FBI have taken, however, as it is not my place to do so.

(3.) my story
I joined Miilky’s community late March/early April 2021, and left May 3rd 2021. I may have only been there for a short time, but I left there disturbed by what I saw.

If it isn’t obvious by now, I did engage in the culture of her server while I was there. I called myself a shota. I am a Little, though I’m ashamed to publicly admit that. Milky’s content, the ASMR and the Mommy roleplay, allowed me to enter Little Space. I posted shota/loli content on her server, and if I get banned from Discord, Twitter, and Twitch, then so be it. I thought Miilky’s Discord was a safe space for me to explore my own sexuality with other adults, but quickly realized it was quite the opposite. I don’t expect to escape judgement, I’m sure I’ll be called a hypocrite.

I left her server, but I have found so many great VTubers and ASMRtists on Twitch since then. Creators who have crafted wholesome, talented, and wonderful communities. I simply hope that the rest of the VTuber community reads this and makes their own call. I am willing to accept I could be 100% wrong about any and all speculation I’ve made. This could all be a giant misunderstanding, but my gut tells me I’m right. At the very least three things remain true: 1. Miilkywayz and Celeste were flirting with and teasing a minor, 2. some people knew about him being a minor, and 3. Miilky’s toxic server fostered that relationship.

I’ve been living with this pit in my stomach all summer. It’s affected my physical and mental health, and I’m exhausted. It’s time the world knew what has transpired on Miilky’s servers, and that the sexualization/exploitation of anyone, let alone minors, WILL NOT be tolerated in the VTuber community.

I would ask those who collaborate with Miilkywayz, be it the other members of Team VirtualOneesans, TaneTenshi or any other VTuber who engages/collabs with her, to reevaluate your relationship with Miilky and the others mentioned in this document. I don’t expect you to take me at my word, but I would certainly review both my testimony and the evidence provided before taking Miilky’s testimony at face-value alone.

If you have any information about Miilkywayz, CelesteAlune (also known as pro Smash player CC_Chiko), Kurboi, or any other members of the community exploiting children, you can contact the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (CyberTip #89769174 for this specific case), or contact the New Jersey State Police’s Internet Crimes Against Children unit at 1-888-648-6007 using the same Cybertip reference number.

I will be providing screenshots for as much as I can, to be as transparent as possible, and I also possess both of Mush’s videos from Youtube on a hard drive, saved in case this day would come. Please review everything posted and make your own conclusion.

“Why wait so long?” you may ask. I am just one person. I did my due diligence and reported the server to the authorities. It’s ultimately up to them whether or not these VTubers are endangering children. The less Miilky and her community knew they were being silently scrutinized by the authorities, the better. Though I’ve had to dodge Miilky and her squad at all times, I was willing to take a few triggering reminders of their continued existence alone, unwilling to start standing alone against someone with so much clout in this community.

“What made you change your mind?” I randomly stumbled across Celeste’s VTuber account and realized I could no longer stay quiet. I can’t risk more children getting caught up in this. The FBI and the police have had all summer to act, and now I can no longer contain my disgust. I have to say something. Anything.

“You’re just a hater/anti/clout chaser. You enjoy shota/ageplay: You’re no better than them.” I’ll probably get called all that and worse. I have no content to promote, no clout to chase. Quite the opposite, I’m terrified I’ll be doxxed by loyal fans, blind to the sins of their favorite VTubers. I doubt I can sway most peoples’ opinions, but this is worth a shot. I will accept criticism for my kinks, but what I do with my significant other in our bedroom, and what safe, sane, and consensual headspace I use to cope with reality is a far cry from exploiting actual children. Still, I understand that I broke Discord TOS and posted content that many people find morally reprehensible. I’ll be deactivating my Discord account for the time being. If you hate me for what I’ve done, I understand. I’m sorry for letting you down.

Thank you for reading this. Please help make Twitch, Discord, Twitter, and anywhere else VTubers gather a safe space for fans of all ages. Report suspicious activities, and don’t turn a blind eye to bad actors just because you enjoy their content. If I saved even one kid from being exploited, or removed even one pedophile from this community, then this post will have been worth it.

See you around,
-“Moggy” Mognet_t

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