
TaToH · @tatohaoe

5th Sep 2021 from TwitLonger

[ES/EN] Empire Wars Duo situation

English version below.

Como ya sabéis hemos tenido que retirarnos de las semifinales de la Empire Wars Duo por el simple motivo de que no íbamos a tener dos jugadores para jugar las semifinales.

Para que lo entendáis yo iba a volar el Martes a Alemania porque tenía que hacer cuarentena allí debido a que España estaba en zona roja para Alemania. Esto cambio el último fin de semana de Agosto por lo que yo ya no necesitaba hacer cuarentena y decidí cambiar el vuelo al fin de semana. Nili nos había comentado que no iba a estar este fin de semana porque estaba de viaje, y yo eso no lo recordé a la hora de hacer el booking del vuelo, por lo que obviamente se complicaba las cosas. Pensé que siendo sólo unas horas ( llegaba a tiempo para la final pero no para las semifinales), y siendo una semifinal en diferido que quizás podríamos jugarla el día antes, sábado. De hecho, nosotros jugamos nuestras partidas el Viernes para tener el Sábado libre e intentar quedar con el equipo que nos tocase y jugar las partidas y no tener problemas el Domingo. No pudimos llegar a una hora que cuadrase a los dos equipos, así que obviamente hemos tenido que tomar la decisión de retirarnos. La culpa ha sido mía y asumo la responsabilidad, aprovecho para dar las gracias a Lidakor y los administradores por el torneo, han hecho todo lo posible para facilitarnos y que jugásemos pero no ha podido ser, y disculparme por los problemas causados.


As you know, we had to withdraw from the Empire Wars Duo semi-finals for the simple reason that we weren't going to have two players to play the semi-finals.

For you to understand, I was going to fly to Germany on Tuesday because Spain was considered as high risk area and I had to do 5 days quarentine in Germany. This changed the last weekend of August so I no longer needed to quarantine and decided to change the flight to the weekend. Nili had told us that he was not going to be able to play this weekend because he was traveling, something I didn't remember when I booked my 2nd flight, so obviously things were complicated from here when he did let me know again. I thought that being only a few hours away (I would be on time for Finals but not for SF), and being a recorded games semifinal that perhaps we could play it the day before, Saturday. In fact, we play our games on Friday to have Saturday free to play our SF games in case the team we had to met could play on Saturday as well, in that case we would of had 0 problems because as I said I would have been on time for finals. We couldn't get to a time that would fit the two teams, so obviously we had to make the decision to withdraw. The fault has been mine and I assume the responsibility, I take this opportunity to thank Lidakor and the administrators for the tournament, they have done everything possible to facilitate us to play, but it couldn't happen, and I apologize for the problems caused.

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