
GXR vilga · @vilgaCS

26th Aug 2021 from TwitLonger

Reasons why female scene needs separated tournaments (mine and other's opinions)

If we compare the amount of female players with the amount of male players, we would see huge difference - hence harder to find a female who can potentially be doing everything to compete on the highest level possible.

The community is very sexist and toxic towards every girl who starts playing the game for the first time. Every match, every pug we join and talk, someone would comment on it and most of the times in a rude way. So in order to play the game properly and improve, girls can do it safely only with people they know. It takes a lot of strength to never mind all this hate we receive and keep our eyes on the dream.

When we have tournaments, we have competitiveness, chances of winning the prize and safe space where we can find people with same goals.

Anyone, who knows me, knows how passionate i am about competing with male pros on the same level and showing the world that girls can slay in any game and more. So i am all about playing open qualifiers and leagues. And i prove it with my actions. But it’s been always hard to find girls who are as passionate about this goal - another reason that we need more female players.

This topic is much deeper than it seems for many people, many are too ignorant to see it from our perspective. I believe there are so many factors, such as and many more - the way of thinking, society prejudice, even how differently many parents raise girls and boys up and how most girls plays dolls and boys balls.

The game exists for 20 years, yet there has not been a tier 1 female team or even a player. Not a single male team (with rare exceptions) takes a girl under their wings, no matter how good the girl is.

Overall the reason why we need tournaments is what @dymguid said “It's standard reverse discrimination (don't know if this is the actual term): the idea to have it in place long enough to fix the problem, until it isn't necessary anymore, and then you get rid of it.”

And Valorant is the perfect example of it. Best female CSGO teams are switching to this game and if nothing gonna be changed in CSGO next year, our scene will die.

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