
Dewwy5280 · @JustDewIt10

16th Aug 2021 from TwitLonger

Dear Canvas,

Ive been into this hobby for over a decade. It’s given me a lot of things I cherish and a lot of things I regret in the process. With experiences and especially people that I’ve met and encountered. The only reason I’ve done it for so long isn’t for the status of holding a virtual title, or the so called game that has come with it. It’s because I’ve enjoyed wrestling for ages. It’s an art that I knew I couldn’t and didn’t want to do as a job, but ROBLOX was a comforting place to illustrate my own wrestling persona and (to a degree) express myself with confidence the way I wish I could when I was younger. It’s fun. It was fun.

Over the past year, it’s no secret I haven’t enjoyed my time or the people I’ve been around as much as I should. Both on and offline I haven’t enjoyed myself the way I should be at this age. Some of it, most of it, wasn’t really up to me however. I know how this community is when reality is mentioned so I won’t go into detail, but there’s a very good reason as to why I’ve used roblox’s canvas as an escape for so long. But now that is no longer giving me the relief and freedom that it once did. I’m not mentally in the right place and I’m forcing myself to go to places when I rather be asleep. In large calls where I’m not truly enjoying myself. I’m tired of that being the viewpoint people have on me. I haven’t been happy in a very long time, and that’s not some character trait I want to be remembered and known for. But, just like my career, I have no choice but to leave it that way unsatisfied with how things turned out.

RPW and UXW by Trunksskater and NeoStalkerX were the only federations I felt like were created for me. To say I may of helped get them to where they are today is more than humbling because they’re what kept making it fun. I want to also thank DXW, SCW, United, and AXW for letting me express the character as DPAIN with the freedom I wouldn’t get in other places. There’s not a lot of places that trusted me to be a draw or face of a company like they did consistently. That’ll never be overlooked. For places like WWS and DCW, I wish I had more time or had the patience to accomplish the things I wanted to there. But with the clock I’m giving myself I’m not sure that’s possible.

And despite current differences me and WWE probably have, I can’t thank them enough for letting me earn the chance to live out the same moment I watched live at Wrestlemania 37. That match ended in a loss (for the both of us) but it’s one that’ll always be cherished for me, with what it stood for for me.

Once UXW’s Wicked Tides PPV, RPW’s WrestleKingdom, CCW’s one off event, and if and when I lose my SCW Mid South title by then. I will walk away from this hobby to find something more fulfilling to do with my life. The only reason I’m not doing it at this very second is because I owe it to those groups, and the people who own them, for letting me be the Ace. I got my answer on what it would be like if Inwere to be a wrestler. Not a real life one, but my imagination went wild for the best.

If I was any younger and you were to ask me if I were to do it again? In a heartbeat.

So thank you. Thank you very much. 🤘

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