going independent! 3SKIES disbanding and the future.

hello everyone, i hope you're having a good today today!!~ i have a pretty major announcement to make.

***as of today, july 31st, 3SKIES has been disbanded.***
due to financial issues, the agency couldn't continue onwards. everyone is still on good terms, don't worry there! but, the founders just couldn't afford to continue running the agency.

**what does this mean for streams?**
*i will still continue streaming full-time and keep up my current schedule, just now as an independent vtuber.* everything will still be the same for the most part! 3SKIES was very hands-off with everything, so i'll have no trouble continuing onwards. i've been doing almost everything on my own anyways, so i'll just keep it up!~
though, to be completely transparent, 3SKIES provided quite a bit to my income and allowed me to comfortably do this full-time, so... it's going to be a bit of a transition period as i figure a few things out there.
*for now, i'm considering opening a patreon to supplement my income*.
***please don't feel obligated to support me financially, especially if you can't afford it!*** my streams will always be free and i will always appreciate any and all support in all forms, including just watching and enjoying my content for free!

in any case, we'll keep goin' no matter what!

**what does this mean for merch?**
*if you bought merch from the recent drop, it will still be shipped!* i trust that the founders of 3SKIES will stay true to their word there; they've promised to keep me up to date on shipments and all of that. in the worst case scenario of them falling through, i'll personally handle anyone who ordered maru merch as i have a list of all the orders.

***tl;dr: 3SKIES is disbanding. streams will remain mostly the same. i'll probably be opening a patreon in the coming days to supplement lost income. merch will still be shipping out.***

well, that's all i can think of... if you have any other questions, please feel free to ask me!

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