
Senzo · @rlsenzo

19th Jul 2021 from TwitLonger

Farewell <3


With heartbreak, I'm going to quit RL. I might be back anytime, but for now, it seems very unlikely. Due to many reasons, but mainly my internet has been a pain in the chest for years, sadly it's the best possible internet provider in where I live, it had affected me to perform at best. For that, it puts me and my teammates in a hard situation to compete against top-level teams.
I wish nothing but the best for them in their journey. I wanna thank everyone for their precious support, I'll forever be grateful to you. Sorry if I let anyone down.

Until another time.


Arabic :

حبيت ابلغ المتابعين اني بقطع اللعبة, مافيه وقت معين لكن حاليا احتمال قطعة طويلة. لأسباب كثيرة لكن اصعب سبب كان النت, معاناتي مع النت من سنين من فصلات او ارتفاع في البنق, وذا الشي يأثر علي اني اقدم مستواي ويأثر على اللي معي بشكل كبير.
حبيت اشكر الجميع على دعمهم لي وللفريق وكلمة شكر ما توفي بحقكم. سامحونا واعذرونا ان حصل مني قصور

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