
After many discussions lasting months, we’ve come to the difficult decision to shut down the GoldenPvP Network after 8 years of operation (since its release back in 2013).

The main factors were the lack of interest, support and funding from the community.

The mission of the GoldenPvP Network was to revive old gamemodes like SkyPvP, OP Factions and more.

What started from a small private SkyPvP (2013-2014, 2017, 2019) server, expanded to a public multi-server network with OP Factions (2015-2017, 2019), OP Prison (2017), KitPvP (2017, 2020), SkyBlock (2017), Practice (2017, 2020), Bunkers (2020) and integrations with Offline CheatBreaker (which you can download from here:
(P.S: Offline CheatBreaker won’t go anywhere and we will continue working on it).

Believe it or not, but the GoldenPvP Network was entirely self funded until 2020, when a couple players donated!
We respect all our donators and all their money was spent on network resources (such as an improved VPS) and development (Non of that money wen’t into our own pockets).

We want to thank the entire GoldenPvP Network team (including those who left us in the past) for working on this amazing 8 year long project. It was a pleasure working with you all!

Thanks again,
The entire GoldenPvP Network team.

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