
Bronson-Lee · @BronsonLee

11th May 2021 from TwitLonger

My concerns about the beliefs of a current @ReseteraForum moderator

A few weeks ago, while discussing things online, I was told about a current ResetEra moderator’s old posts regarding things like race, religion, etc – things that were surprising to me at the time, as they had not demonstrated this before. I was also told that these posts had disqualified this person from moderating other sites in the past.

I was confused – were my friends telling the truth? Is this something taken out of context, or a pattern of posts?

So I looked into it briefly. And I wanted to talk about them now.
I’ve done my best to provide context for the quotes, as well as screencaps of the posts themselves. I did not include links to the post to keep things anonymous. I will also not provide any personal commentary on the posts themselves – only the posts and their context. It is not for me to decide how these posts are read, and I did my best to try and eliminate bias.

For brevity, I will keep things to the two sections below. If you just want the screencaps to the posts themselves, they are here:

Regarding Islam/Religions

When discussing things in the unpopular opinions threads:
‘Religious beliefs are not inherently deserving of respect’

‘You hate Islam, not Muslims. I'd say you're good.’

Discussing killings motivated by race/religion:
‘Do killers who are not motivated by Islam typically shout "Allahu Akbar!"?’

When discussing whether Islam oppresses women:
‘To answer the OP: yes, yes it is. It is not the only religion to be inherently oppressive to women (all Abrahamic religions are guilty), but that's not a defense at all.
Many Muslims will throw wall o' texts full of mental gymnastics to prove otherwise, but it's all denial and hand-waving.’

When discussion bigotry regarding religions:
‘Hating a religion doesn't make one a bigot though.’

‘Please. Islam gets plenty of mockery too (and plenty of butthurt apologists who whine about islamophobia and "respecting beliefs", as if any belief were inherently worthy of respect).’

Section 2:
Minority Cultures

Discussing their belief that all rap music is bad
‘Other than already not caring about Marvel stuff and all rap music sucking instead of most... I think I'm down with most of that really!’

When challenged on this, noting the potential for this kind of viewpoint being a racist dogwhistle:
‘Well, I think people who call others racist for disliking a style of music are comically and insultingly out of touch with reality.’

When challenged further:
‘Hating a music style has nothing to do with being racist, even if a style is predominantly played by people of a certain race. People who hate J-pop aren't racist either. GTFO’
‘I don't know why you're arguing against things I never said. I don't hate rap because of misogyny or anti-intellectualism (lol, I listen to metal FFS), but because I hate rapped vocals.’

Lack of understanding verbiage for minorities
‘I apologize for my ignorance, but why is that, exactly? Is this an English only issue? If it weren't for the Internet I would have assumed that saying "blacks", "whites", etc. was OK, but apparently it's really bad, so I know better, but I'm just not sure why.’

‘Sorry if this is off-topic but maybe that's a good place to ask... English isn't my first language so I'm genuinely wondering, not concern trolling or anything. So I noticed that apparently using "the blacks" is considered offensive but "blacks" isn't. I know you're supposed to say "black people" But I'm not sure why adding a "the" would turn it offensive. Can someone explain? It seems to be more about just awkward grammar, right?
Apologies for my ignorance.’ (Truncated for readability)

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