Retiring from professional Counter-Strike

Hey everyone,

I haven't really posted anything ever since Budapest Five and me parted ways, so it's time. The last 1.5-2 years was pretty much a disaster for me career-wise, which made me start to think, and I finally decided to step down from competitve Counter-Strike.

I already took a 6 months break last year because I didn't have the motivation to play and I didn't really know what should be the next step for me in life. Last year early October BP5 contacted me that they want me in the active lineup and I decided to give it one last shot. Things didn't work out for me personally as I expected, my motivation wasn't really coming back and I just didn't feel good playing, neither I was having the confidence that any professional player must have which lead me moving to the bench.

I have no regrets, this last ~5 years had a lot of fun times for me in store, I gained a lot of experience, travelled to some nice places, been on some really cool events and last but not least I met many good people on the way, some of them I still consider being my friends to this day. I would like to thank every player, organization and basically everyone for beliving in me, and also for giving me the chance to prove myself on an international level. The amount of support I was getting from fans, mostly from the hungarian scene was amazing, huge thanks to each and everyone of you.

That's life, it's time for me to move on, although im planning to take part in the hungarian esport scene one way or another, so we might meet in the future. I also decided to start my university studies this September, so that's what I'm going to focus on for now.

Once again, big thanks for everyone who took part in my journey one way or another, it was a lot of fun!

See you guys sometime later,


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