
vincere · @vincere_R6

18th Mar 2021 from TwitLonger

The Current Situation

Due to unforeseen personal reasons, Kyle “Diesel” Renton will be unable to play competitively for the indefinite future.

Unfortunately, due to the timing of the news (outside of the roster lock period), we are unable to replace him and as such, will be playing out the entirety of Stage 1 with either of our coaches: Sylix or Fluxx.

We requested an “emergency stand-in”, our request was denied.
We also want to state as a team that we completely support Kyle in his decision and trust he was absolutely certain this was what he required. We will also continue to support him in whatever his future decisions may be. Kyle has also made it clear he is taking some time off of all social medias and would appreciate privacy during this time.

In saying all that, Kyle was an integral part of this roster and his sudden departure severely altered our ability to practice. We are disappointed that we will not be at our full potential going into this stage, but are still confident we can come away with some wins and cement our spot in both the OCN and APAC South leagues.

We appreciate all the continued support from all of our fans and the Wildcard staff. We hope we can demonstrate a good brand of siege, even during the first stage.

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