
Yng Obito · @Obibi_96

12th Mar 2021 from TwitLonger

SoloQ / SplatZone / Being a consistent player

🐬 Hello everyone ! There I will mostly talk and give my perspective about The Splatoon SoloQ and SplatZone in general And From my experience I will give my opinion on it by answering the following question :

Whats the key to become consistent in SplatZone and for your SoloQ grind ?

First , I will lean on :
1 / 2 / Having a strong and indisputable Mindset
3 / Strategy
4 / Tips

SoloQ has usually a bad reputation first :
- for his unfair matchmaking where you for example ,
2 chargers players can get matched up together against a triple armor comp.
-And second where you can get in a 2100XP power average while you have 2700XP.
Unfortunately in western it sees as something really annoying where most of the competitive player will lose motivation to grind it and think they’re wasting their time which is pretty understandable.


Besides these disadvantages. XRank is also a very good system of ranking by being able to show what you are capable of , no matter if its just to yourself and for the others people that can see your progression.
It will improve a lot your mechanical skill , really important to compose you game sens.
Definitely something to focus more on before getting in your future run to the high level.
You can actually be aware of your weaknesses, what you are doing wrong and learn on your mistakes .
It also forces you to improve you’re decision making , otherwise you won’t be consistent in SoloQ and SplatZone, but im going to develop more about that in the last point...

- So as you can guess , having strong and indisputable Mindset in a must ❗️
You can’t go anywhere on a game or even in real life without having a real purpose, goal , objective, and giving up on the first difficulty that you’ll face , it’s not like that.
The real problem to why does western has lobbies around 2200XP average while in japan it goes around 2400/2500XP everytime because of the skill gap between us.
I don’t think its only that but its actually because the amount of players who have a means to tryhard in our lobbies is very Indeed , very low πŸ˜•.
I think it could really change if we were investing much on it and im sure it its worth it if you love Splatoon like me !
No worrys, I will try to give you some advice you could use in the future if you want to get your mindset stronger πŸ‘‡

2/ If your just started to go for an high XP and you’re struggling a bit because the rage drains you , to not be too defeatist about that bro.
You are an human playing video games , that is completely normal to rage sometimes because you’re doing you’re best so you will be disappointed by loosing of course .
In those kind of situations try to stay calm and instead of put the blame on you mates , try to figure out what you could have done better , you’ll learn and keep improving you’re gameplay and you mindset by doing that , it’s guaranteed !
don't let anything get away from your goalπŸ‘

3/ Strategy - I usually train 1 hour before the rotation I want to try hard ⏰
- you should not play if you’re cold , be prepared to any circumstance πŸ‘Š
- I advice you to leave the lobby when the room average in bellow XP2300 , otherwise you’ll not benefit from it because if you loose in a XP2100 room while you have 2750XP you are going to loose definitely more points than if you were in a XP2380 room average for example .
-Being successful on your grind also means to manage you points well and not starting to loose all your points because you didn’t feel like playing on a certain map or something like that .

-Being strategic to be the more optimal possible :
Not too scared and not too greedy !
This also apply in game and we’ll see in which case πŸ‘‡

-4 / As I said earlier , a SoloQ game will usually be a lot about your decision making and not because you got bad teammates as people say unless they all finish a 5 minutes game with 0 kills .
-Don’t trust your mates and don’t wait on them, trust only you πŸ‘
You really need to know by analyzing the enemies comp , which player you will have to go for during retaking , AND holding the zone because it is two completely different part of the game.
-During holding , playing around the zone is the more optimal option because you will be able to paint zone when it’s needed and getting / punishing people feeding in the zone .
-A lot of people will tend to only go for kills but this is eventually riskier option because if you are spawning 1,2 or 3 people , you’re in disadvantage first because you are in their spawn so you don’t have the control there and nothing is guaranteed to work since one of your mates can still try to go with you.
Then it becomes a 2v4 on THEIR spawn.
Even if you are alone their , opponents depending on their weapon can still disturb all your mates behind your back !

And moreover it’s there is a competitive / top player..

| I will take the example that you’re playing against Biscuit, Top Nautilus player from Ftwin + splashO, brush and 96deco . You’re in holding..
Of course , people will think the better option is to focus him while he is completely not the main problem , even if hes really good , his weapon has inkjet and suction , the capacity of his weapon is not as good as the splash or the brush to paint and to move fast on the map right ?πŸ€”
So he will mostly have to clutch with inkjet or with the high kill power he has with nautilus.
- Let’s say you’re focusing him , and you get a trade , the brush or the splash enemies are still disturbing you mate a lot and manage to recap because they have bombe rush + baller and they can go pretty fast everywhere on the map.
-Now let’s say you’re ignoring Biscuit and you keep your eyes on the brush and splash ,
You kill the brush , then its easier for your teammate to play around the zone and they manage to kill the splash ,
It becomes a 4v2 and unfortunately Biscuit can’t really do anything because of his weapon .

(I took biscuit πŸͺ as an example but it could also be the same case if you are fighting Hypnos with Eliter4k referring to the low mobility restriction of his weapon)

That’s pretty much what I wanted to say ,
This is the first time im doing that kind of work so I hope it going help of lot of people πŸ™
Thank you so much for reading !!🐬

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