
Acez · @AcezProduction

1st Mar 2021 from TwitLonger

It is with great sadness to say my journey with @FNATIC is over. I'd like to thank both former and current team members for the journey and the memories. It has been an honor wearing the black and orange colours the past 3 years. #AlwaysFnatic

Going forward i'll be taking a step back from competitive play and will be focusing on content creation across multiple games.

Thank you to all my fans that have followed me throughout my career. It has been a warm blessing meeting every single one of you! For every handshake, every signature, every photo and every one of you that has tuned into my Twitch streams. It has been an experience that I will never forget and cherish.

Everything happens for a reason and I'm excited for what the future holds.

If you want to continue to follow me on my journey, check out my Twitch Channel, YouTube and other Socials here:

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