Regarding inclement weather in the US

There's been some inclement weather in the US recently. This was unexpected, and something we could not foresee happening back in January, when the launch date was selected. We had been hopeful and waiting for conditions to improve ahead of tomorrow, but unfortunately, they haven't quite.

The US is not only where Lunaescence is hosted, but where the majority of its staff resides. Essential members of the staff have been without heat, power and water for days, and have been badly affected by the winter storms. With launch tomorrow, we have concerns about having a reopening day in which the majority of staff will have no site access or be able to assist users with navigating the new site and its features.

As such, we have made the difficult decision to reset the countdown timer for March 2nd, to allow time for conditions to approve. If conditions improve quickly, we will likely proceed with launching much earlier than March 2nd. In the meantime, we'll be sharing images of the new site's looks and features here on Twitter. Regardless of where you are, please stay safe, Lunatics.

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