
Ash · @Sugoi_Ash

12th Feb 2021 from TwitLonger


Addressing the old clip some of you have probably already seen, but most of you haven't. In the clip I use a slur which I should not have.

I want to start by apologizing to anyone who was offended by the clip, I'm deeply sorry for my actions and I know what I said was wrong. I am not homophobic, the LGBTQ+ community has my full support. As a bi person myself I should not have used such a word knowing the harm it can inflict. I'm very sorry to all those who have suffered due to my actions. This incident occurred many months ago, and I have grown as a person since.

For context, the other person in the clip was someone who had pretended to be my friend in order to hurt me for many months prior, which is why in the clip you see me in DMs saying "would you please leave my lobby I do not want to play with you I do not like you I do not trust you". The level of betrayal and emotional pain was very deep and caused me to lash out in an inappropriate way when I found out what they were doing. Their harassment and bullying is something I won't ever forget; I know this in no way makes it better and is not a justification for my actions. I was in a dark place mentally and lashed out irresponsibly.

I know that this apology won't make things right in the eyes of a lot of people, but I hope it's at least a step in the right direction.

Thanks for your love and support up until now.

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