
Milky Gaga · @Milky_Gaga

6th Feb 2021 from TwitLonger

The Truth About All is Ultimate

So, as some of you may or may not know I was supposed to head the staff of All is Ultimate. The role which I held on All is Brawl. I'm nervous about doing this but here goes nothing

Long story short, I couldn’t stay. Not with the man in charge. (Mouse)
He is the reason why the site is still delayed. Using the Patron's money for his own needs. Not only that, but he’s not splitting with the co developer (who mind you, did 99% of the coding, just look at the git fetch updates channel on aiu discord). she’s been working for free, doing the work Mouse should’ve been doing while he’s getting paid and she isn’t. We’ve tried asking Mouse to split the profits multiple times and he just says “he will'' months go by, still NOTHING. Frustrating, yes enough to make me wanna leave? No.

The staff team been frustrated, so I confronted Mouse with what the hell is taking so long. We promised the users we’d be ready for launch in October understandably frustrated and embarrassed that Mouse gave everyone false promises which ultimately made all of us look bad.
He gets really offended by what I had to say and basically told me “I’ll show you who really owns this project”
I cannot work under a man who belittles his staff.

(This is where things get disturbing, proceed with caution if you don’t wanna read about pedophilia allegations/admissions)
The staff team and I (not going to name any names) have been desperately trying to take ownership from him for a long time now because we’re super uncomfortable.
He isn’t providing a safe place. We’ve banned pedophiles in our small community just for him and his husband to go behind our back and overturn the bans. Telling us “it happened in the past, people change. it’s whatever). His husband constantly goes on his account and overrules our decisions even though he’s not part of staff. This happened on more than one occasion. We just kept reinstating the bans. His husband is mentally disturbed and part of the reason why he can’t remain the owner.

Now for the husband:
His husband controls him. He takes over when he wants. He randomly DM’d me, sexually harassed me and sent me unsolicited dick pics. The most disturbing part is that he admitted to me that he and his husband (Mouse) are both pedophiles who don’t act on their “cravings” I was in absolute disbelief when I heard this. Mouse was always super weird but a chill kinda guy to me up until this point. I’ve known this man for years and never once suspected him of being a pedophile.

This is going to be hearsay because I don’t have the screenshots, but I pasted the admission parts of our conversation we had in a doc because I knew he was going to delete our messages:

In disbelief, I dm’d to Mouse shaking. Trying to get more information Mouse isn’t admitting to anything, it’s hard to do anything with no proof and just hearsay, but it still feels wrong. I pretend to go along with him and his husband. over the course of a year been trying to dig up more information

I somehow managed to get this screenshot of Mouse’s husband admitting to pedophilic acts which completely contradicts him telling me he never acted on his needs: Covering the person’s name who sent me this screenshot to hide their identity.

I also want to be clear that Mouse has not admitted to any of this, so it’s all just hearsay. But, by his own husband.. So, should it be taken with a grain of salt? I don’t know, but I’m done taking my chances with it.

This is not what the AiB community stood for, and not what it’s going to stand for. This breaks my heart to say, but please stop supporting the site, don’t join the site. As it stands, it's currently not a safe place. I hate that it had to come to this, but if that's what it's going to take then so be it.

As for our next online smash home? Well, some of the staff and I are trying to plan a fresh start again with a new project with better leaders for the online smash community. Please look out for this in the future
Sincerely, Milky

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