
Landon Sanders · @LandO

5th Feb 2021 from TwitLonger

Today was my final day @Envy.

My experience at Envy Gaming was nothing short of incredible. I'd first like to give a huge thank you to Hastr0 for giving me the opportunity to join an organization that I've idolized since I was young, first getting into esports. I've always looked up to Mike and greatly appreciate all the support he's given me in my time here. The entire staff at Envy are some of the most talented and hard working people in our industry. I've learned so much from them and will take that knowledge and experience with me for the rest of my career. Envy only continues to set the standard for what the future of gaming, esports, and entertainment looks like and I'm forever grateful to have played a small part in that. I'll always remember my time at Envy and can't wait to see what they do next.


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