
Misfits Valkrin · @Valkrin

14th Jan 2021 from TwitLonger

Retirement from League of Legends

I first considered quitting League of Legends at the beginning of 2017 during the time period that I took a long streaming hiatus. I could feel a massive shift in the game design, and the community itself around that time period. The game was changing in a direction that I didn't enjoy, but also, the behavior that was allowed to happen from other streamers and players was abhorrent. I'm glad I didn't quit then though because there were wonderful experiences outside of the game that I experienced. Being a coach and also being apart of Misfits were huge highlights in my last 4 years. I met some absolutely fantastic people, and I was able to travel the world like I always wanted to do. I'm very grateful to my fans for being apart of this journey in my life. When one door closes another opens, and so, I will be retiring from playing / streaming League of Legends. I plan on still being involved in the eSports space, but I'm unsure to what extent. I've had a podcast called 'Path to Pro' in the works for awhile with 5 episodes already recorded. It's a podcast that interviews pro players, and industry people on their journeys in eSports, and what they learned along the way to success. I think people are going to really enjoy the podcast experience I'm creating.

I'm the happiest I've been in a really long time, and I'm really looking forward to the future!

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