
Naowh // Robin · @Naowhxd

25th Dec 2020 from TwitLonger

Race to WF - Move it to a Tournament Realm (My thoughts)

Good evening,

I just want to start this post off by congratulating Complexity Limit for their impressive performance in Castle. This is not a salty post about NA vs EU, I simply write this post because I love the Race to WF event and I want to make it better, both for the players, and for the viewers.


I highly think the event should be moved to separate servers, so called "Tournament Realms". During MDI & AWC we spend a lot of time on these Tournament Realms, and I see nothing negative competing on these realms compared to a normal realm.

Now you're probably thinking, fuck that, this event should be community driven and Blizzard should not interfere, which I completely agree with. There's examples of this in the past, where a community ran an MDI tournament hosted by KSM (KeystoneMasters). This stands true for the Race to WF aswell, Blizzard should not host a show or anything, they just need to offer servers where people can compete, while the community stands for the events.

I want to see 3 different Tournament Realms, one for Asia, one for EU, and one for NA, with a simultaneous weekly reset. When should this be? Frankly I don't know, but it's something that could be decided in the future. This will also bring a lot of exposure to the Asian region, which currently starts 2 days after NA, and the more competition the better.

Gearing & Vendors:

In my previous tweet people replied with stuff like "well fuck that, then the WF raiders will just log on to race then never play the game". Let me explain how I think gearing & vendors should be handled.

On MDI/AWC realms you have vendors that sell you all the items you want, these vendors should all be removed on the RWF realm apart from the Consumable vendor for obvious reasons (you need flasks/pots).

Since there won't be any vendors, you will need to gear & prepare all the characters you want to play prior to the "race". My thought on this is that "Character copy" should be available a week before Heroic week comes out, and close once Heroic week opens up. This will give every guild enough time to move characters over, and won't allow guilds to buy BoE's during HC / Mythic week and copy these characters over for increased item level.

There's still a ton of information that needs to be given a thought, but these are just some of my initial thoughts on how this could work. Noone likes the constant NA this EU that drama or the 16h difference.

This would solve all of this, everyone starts at the same time, no "global release" has to be made outside of these 3 Tournament Servers and anyone who's more of a casual player doesn't get affected.

What's the negative? Well, obviously all gear you would loot on these tournament realms would be deemed useless after progress is over, and every guild playing on these realms would have to regear / reprogress to some extend. Personally I don't think this is much of an issue if we can have insane races in the future, and easily something I would sacrifice.

These are just some initial thoughts on an easy but effective way to fix the current issues of Race to WF. I want to see the race grow, and become better, and a global release is something that everyone participating in the races wants.

Feel free to reply to this tweet if you think this sounds stupid or have something you would like to add to this Tweet!

All the best & Merry Christmas,
Naowh // Robin

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